Things Highly Successful People Do Often That You Can Do Too
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A few things I’m obsessed with, beauty products, jewellery, travelling, reading, learning, and finding what highly successful people do to achieve their successes. I’ve spent years reading books, blogs, listening to podcasts and interviews by million and billionaires to understand what habits they’ve adopted, the actions they take and the mindset they work from.
After years of studying highly successful people, I have come to learn they pretty much all do the exact same thing, meaning if it can work for them, there’s no reason as to why it can’t work for the average person wanting the same level of success.
Things Highly Successful People Do:
Recognises the Importance of Sleep
Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, successful people understand the importance of enough pillow time in order to perform to a higher standard.
Tiredness leads to making countless mistakes throughout the day, so good quality sleep is a must for success. You can optimize your sleep by resetting your circadian rhythm.
Develops a Routine
No matter how mundane it gets, successful people are particular about building a routing but more importantly sticking to it.
Routine helps to create structure around your day and allows you to become much more efficient.
Values Productivity
Highly successful people pride themselves on getting the job done, however it’s difficult to keep track of what jobs need attention without seeing it written down.
It’s important to time slot and allocate your priorities of the day by using a Daily Planner.
Regular Exercise
Highly successful people know what it means to take of themselves and use working out and exercising regularly for its benefits of keeping healthy and fit both physically and mentally.
Takes Action
Nothing will fall into your lap; you have to go and get it, even the most privileged person would have had to make a few calls or emails to get their ideas off the ground.
You can think, visualise, and affirm as much as you like, but to see any form of success, big or small, you must take action.
Successful people make moves, literally, they put themselves out there and realise to turn their dreams into reality the first step is action.
The Confidence to Live Outside of her Comfort Zone
What you want is outside of your comfort zone and requires you to move in that direction, highly successful people are well aware of this.
To stand is the face of your inner fears takes courage but could be the last thing standing between you and ultimate success.
Says No, a lot
Warren Buffest famously said ‘successful people say no to everything’. So, it’s no surprise they are super selective about where their energy goes, the people they spend time with, and the places they socialise.
Makes Sacrifices
The road to success is a windy one, and highly successful people are no stranger to the world of sacrifice when it comes to achieving what they’ve set out to do.
If you want to live a life most people don’t have, you have to do what most people won’t do.
Most people won’t sacrifice holidays for learning courses, most people won’t sacrifice junk food for a healthier body, most people won’t sacrifice dating to focus on finding happiness by themselves first, most people won’t sacrifice late nights out drinking to spend time on their side hustle.
Yet, most people aren’t highly successful, and those who are, are prepared to live a few years of their life like most people won’t, to live the rest of their life like most people can’t.
Remains a Student of Life
Successful people love to learn and are obsessed with doing so.
They use a lot of their free time to expand on knowledge whether it be within the industry they work in or personal goals, successful people always want to know more.
Forms of learning can be through reading, podcasts, attending webinars, getting better at practical skills etc.
You’ve heard that saying ‘knowledge is power’ well it’s crucial that what you learnt gets put into practice.
Not only do successful people obsess over learning, they apply what they’ve learnt to their own lifestyles and business to ultimately become the best at what they do.
Avoids looking for shortcuts
Highly successful people are in this for the long-run. They’re not looking for shortcuts and get rich quick schemes.
The goal tends to be acquiring wealth as opposed to quick riches that will wither away in a few years due to a lack of patience and learning.
Is Comfortable in Solitude
Inspiration and ideas tend to come when the mind is quiet, highly successful people understand the power in solitude.
These days people are terrified of being by themselves as though to be in your own company is something negative, they quickly look for distractions to keep them ‘busy’.
Successful people are the opposite and thrive in silence knowing it’s the best time to reconnect with themselves because it creates an atmosphere of deep thinking.
By doing this they are able to solve problems more quickly with higher efficiency.
Has a Positive Outlook
Acquiring success will require a lot from you, mentally and emotionally. Being optimistic helps highly successful people to be confident in their decision making and their talents.
This is what gives them courage when faced with challenging situations.
Final thoughts
Of course, in some cases, being born into wealth, being well connected or both can contribute towards how successful you are, however if that’s all it took there would be much more highly successful people than the 1%.
Achieving success requires hard work and a conscious effort to decide you want a different life for yourself. There is a plethora of inspiration from people who have come from hardship and suffering to success and achievement which means if it could happen for them, it can certainly happen for you.
Start now, revisit this blog often, educate yourself further with stories on what it is highly successful people do and take the first step in creating your own.