Coffee Moon Mail

The most transformative self-help newsletter guiding you on your journey to become the best version of yourself.

Your FREE Weekly Subscription

Coffee Moon Mail isn’t just another boring newsletter giving you brand updates and news that you don’t care about.

Coffee Moon Mail is the only mindset newsletter which acts as your gateway to a powerful transformation.

Join the waitlist to gain exclusive access to insights and practices that fuel magnificent growth, from mindset shifts to glow-up strategies and manifestation secrets.

Be the First to Receive:

  • Exclusive Mindset Exercises: Simple yet effective tools to elevate your self-concept, reframe limiting beliefs, and open up to new possibilities.

  • Manifestation Techniques: Personal practices I use to bring my dreams into reality, from scripting templates to visualisation routines.

  • Glow-Up Strategies: Get a taste of the ultimate glow-up with tips on building self-confidence, finding balance, and designing a life that reflects your highest self.

  • Subscriber-only discount codes

  • Invitations to the Private Community Group

How to join Coffee Moon Mail:

  1. Complete the form answering the prompts

  2. You will be prompted to confirm your email address, (this is to double check it is you and no one is sneaking on the list posing as you)

  3. You will be informed of the status of your application

  4. Start receiving your Coffee Moon Mail and watch the magic begin.


Don’t let this be another email subscription that gathers dust until you eventually unsubscribe. Take what you can and make the most out of it, it might just be the turning point you were looking for.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Not all newsletters are created equal. To ensure you receive the most valuable content from Coffee Moon Mail, it's essential to interact when you see a new letter appear in your inbox. This can be anything such as opening our emails, clicking on the links, responding with questions, or visiting the website.

    Why does this matter?

    Newsletters are sent determined by your engagement level. When you're active, you'll receive the most important and value-rich content every single week.

  • As much as I’d love to believe all of your attention will be on your subscription, the reality is you probably have a few emails heading over to your inbox every day which means there’s a chance the newsletter might get lost among the crowd.

    So you don't miss anything, my advice here would be to make a folder for your Coffee Moon Mail and as each letter comes in you allocate it to that folder.

    If you prefer to read your newsletter at your own leisure, it can be a nightmare to find if it’s swamped in the midst of other emails.

    Some newsletters will resonate with you more than others. If something really resonates with you in a particular newsletter, I would suggest you ‘star’ it so it’s easier to find for future ref.

  • For the newsletters to have a profound effect, and for you to see a transformation in the way you think, act and feel, it is important you apply the techniques and practice what resonates in the letters.

    Take something from what you have learnt and use the week ahead to practice what you understood.