9 Steps To Planning Your Most Successful Year Ever!

A new year, another chance to start over, to feel hopeful and motivated again. And if like me you promise yourself every year that it will be the best one yet, keep reading, because I’m going to share 9 steps to plan your most successful year ever!

1. Reflect on The Past Year

Very rarely would I suggest looking back, the past is the past and it cannot be changed. But in this case, looking back can actually help you to propel forward.

To know where you're going, you must know where you're coming from, what lessons you have learned, the highs, the lows, which mistakes not to repeat, what worked, what didn’t.

Reflect on the past year to understand where you are currently in your life.

2. Learn To Let Go

Once you have reflected on last year, let it go.

Whether you had many wins, many losses, or an equal amount of wins and losses, it’s a new year, a fresh clean slate.

As well as letting go emotionally, let go of material goods you no longer need too. If in good shape, old clothes and accessories can be given to charity, by doing this you signify to the universe you are out with the old and ready to start a new chapter.

3. Focus on Your Passion

This can be a tough one if you’re not sure what your passion is.

If you have not quite figured it out, think back to when you were a child, what were you were obsessed with? Was it painting? Talking in front of a room full of strangers? Dressing up? Writing? Doctors and nurses? Science-based games? Sport?

Before the outside noise entered your mind and distracted you, you were in tune to your calling and your inner voice was so clear.

So what happened? Over time you listened to the opinions of your teachers, friends, work colleagues and parents and as a result that inner voice got quieter and quieter.

Find your inner voice again. Think about what you loved to do before the noise.

If you already know what you’re passionate about, make more time for it this year, you don’t have to turn it into a side hustle, you might just enjoy doing it for fun. However, with the super-fast pace of western living, time tends to go by in a flash and the next thing you know, you haven't spent any of it doing the thing you love.

If your passion is not your full-time job, dedicate time in your schedule where you will spend a few hours in your element.

4. Define The Person You Want To Become

Write down the type of person you envision yourself becoming at the end of the year.

Pretend it’s the end of the year, list all of your achievements, even list your obstacles, and how you overcame them.

  • How have you changed physically? Mentally?

  • How do you feel within yourself?

  • Who did you meet throughout the year?

  • Where did you go?

  • Which habits did you change?

Did you see a change in how you responded to challenging situations?

  • Where do you live?

  • Where do you work?

  • Do you love your new job?

  • What are your colleagues like?

  • Are you on your way to financial freedom

  • Does it feel as though you're getting closer to your dream?

To define the woman you want to become, these are the questions you should ask yourself. Write your answers down in every detail.

5. Become The Person You Dream of Being

One you have defined the person you want to become, it’s time to step into their shoes and emulate how that person acts, walks, talks, dresses, and most importantly, how they feel.

Start embodying her, now.

Don’t wait until you have lost weight to start walking tall with your head held high, start now, don’t wait until you are earning six figures to feel good about money, feel good about money now.

Read books on how to maintain wealth and invest. If the person you want to become is fit and active, start getting fit now, you don’t have to run a marathon tomorrow, walk around the block, get some steps in, go to a swim class.

What can you do to become the person you want to be, right now?

6. Use a Daily Planner

It might seem obvious but to plan your most successful year, you will need a planner.

You can run on auto-pilot and hope for the best however, keeping organised using a to-do-list is a better way to optimise productivity and stay on top of what you need to do.

By using a daily planner you ensure you are right on the right path to achieving your goals. Check out the Coffee Moon Daily Planner it’s highly effective and helps you track your daily priorities, personal goals and habits.

7. Fail Forward

I won’t sugar coat it, there are going to be moments throughout the year where you feel as though you could have done better, or you gave it everything and still, no avail.

It may feel as though you have failed but remember, failing doesn’t make you a failure. It means you were bold enough to take a risk.

In fact, failing is very necessary for future success and there are many life teachings from failing you can benefit from. When you feel as though you have been knocked down, dust yourself and try again.

8. Stay Open-Minded

There are ways you may hope this year will turn out, and it will, but be prepared that it might not be down the path you had anticipated.

Your goal might be to start making more money from your side hustle, and the plan might be to make this money from your Instagram community, but as you continue to build you soon realise most of your customers are coming from your Youtube channel instead.

In a scenario like this, it would be best to put your main focus on your Youtube channel even though it wasn’t in your initial plans.

Be flexible and open to things not going the exact way you hoped, as long as you are being led to the same goals, you are facing the right way.

9. Make a Promise To Yourself, Then Keep It

Commit to these changes and make a promise to yourself that throughout the year you will try your very best.

Review your goals every quarter to make sure you are on track, and use the daily planner to create new habits and give what you can into making it your most successful year yet.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.


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