How I Helped My Client Secure Her Dream Job

For as long as I can remember, Monday mornings have always been dubbed as the most dreaded day of the calendar. In Western society it’s even called having the ‘Monday blues’ a term to describe when you feel down and depressed before the week has even started.

But who started this in the first place? How did we decide that one day should set a negative tone for the entire week, and more importantly, how do we get out of this cycle?

Well, the first thing is to completely reframe your thoughts around the concept of what Monday means…

Because it’s not really about Monday is it?

Think of it this way, if you were booked to fly out on a luxury holiday next Monday, you wouldn’t dread the thought of it would you?

Or if someone offered to transfer a million pounds into your bank account and they said they would do it on Monday morning, you wouldn’t say “Can you transfer it on Friday afternoon instead, I hate Mondays”

Suddenly, Monday isn’t the problem.

Change what Monday means for you, reframing your thoughts will change your entire perspective which will consequently change your energy, and change the results you get.

The second step to getting out of the rat race is to do something you love…

I know, easier said than done.

But doesn’t mean it’s impossible, even if you‘ve never have had a job that you’ve particularly loved.

In fact, one of my members, who we'll call Sofia, wasn't sure about her life's direction, especially her career, when she joined the Ultimate Glow Up Program.

But despite her uncertainty, her journey in the program has been amazing and it's only just started.

With the most significant manifestation being her dream job!

Her success shows the kind of change that's possible when you change your mindset.

In this blog I’m going to share how I helped her to overcome her challenges, embrace change, and use different methods to secure her dream job.

Overcoming the Obstacles

Like many Sofia faced multiple obstacles when wanting to manifest her dream job, the biggest being her mindset. Unfortunately, previous negative experiences had given her a warped view on what it meant to ‘work’ which meant often enough she was operating from a lack mindset.

A mindset which convinced her going to work couldn’t be fun, it was meant to be hard, and work politics causing divisions within the team were normal.

But, thinking from past experiences especially when they’ve been predominately negative will stop you from seeing things from another point of view, a different perspective, a bigger, and better picture.

This was no different for Sofia, and therefore became one of the biggest obstacles we had to overcome. These mental hurdles were quite firmly rooted, so we knew we had to face them head on which she was prepared to do.

Conquering a Limited Mindset

The first step was to help Sofia get out of a limited way of thinking since played a huge part in holding her back and shift it into an abundant way of thinking to launch her forward into her success.

I wanted to reframe her idea of what work meant and to open up to the concept of it being something which was fun and enjoyable.

I asked Sofia to reflect on any moment where she may have had a job where she actually enjoyed it. Where the people were kind and considerate and going to work felt easy, no matter how big or small the job was, whether it was permanent or temporary, part-time or full time, an internship or paid, had she ever done a job you didn’t mind waking up in the morning for?

To her surprise she was able to think of various jobs which she had enjoyed, one of the temporary jobs she loved so much she would even stay in the office until late working over time.

By doing this you completely debunk the idea that work is meant to be hard, and as a result you open yourself up to more opportunities.

We had created a space that sparked Sofia’s imagination, encouraging her to dream about more than just her immediate situation, but also about the many possibilities which were available to her.

Reframing the Narrative

Something else I wanted to reinforce in her new way of thinking was to become conscious of the type of conversations being had in her circle.

And to be honest, this wasn’t something she personally battled with as she is already quite firm in not letting external opinions influence her own judgement.

However, I reminded Sofia whether held internally or with others, what you say , think and believe will always be reflected back to you. And conversations, particularly about the state of the economy, was something which could delay her from landing her dream job.

You must be mindful of the words you speak and the thoughts you think because your external world often mirrors the internal.

Instead of focusing on the challenges the economy presented, I encouraged Sofia to shift her focus towards the opportunities it could offer.

Becoming the Change She Wanted To See

While Sofia's manifesttion is nothing short of remarkable, it didn't happen overnight. During her time on the program, she applied to over a hundred jobs, attended multiple interviews and was rejected numerous times, three of which she was excited about but got turned down.

It was a process.

One which not only required her to believe she could have her dream job, but also to embody the change she wanted to see.

Embodying the Change

You don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are, so was important Sofia’s current actions matched the actions of the version who already has her dream job.

She had to get into the mindset of the version of herself who was happy at work and start embodying that version, right now.

The goal was for her to act, talk, think and most importantly feel as though she already had accomplished her dream job.

Forming New Habits

Whether you want to attract a dream job, more money, a romantic relationship, or a beautiful home, the key hack is embodiment. You must embody the version of yourself who has already achieved these things.

This means creating brand new habits which are aligned with that version of you. If the version of you who has her dream job is passionate about wellness and good health, adopt the habits of wellness and good health now.

If they are someone who networks with people, find ways to network with people now, go to events, join webinars and participate in the chat.

This is what we worked on to bring Sofia’s dream job into fruition. She adopted the habits of the version of her who had her dream job before it even arrived.

This meant when she didn’t pass at interviews in her current reality, she was able to brush it off and still hold faith that it was coming because she was operating from the version of herself where it already has.

Action & Application

When you join my Ultimate Glow Up Program you instantly gain access to The Vault - a space in the program where I store my best resources to regulate your nervous system, transform your self-concept and reprogram you subconscious mind.

It is here where Sofia discovered two special manifestation techniques that helped to completely change everything!

Regulating the Nervous System

By regulating her nervous system regularly through the meditations, Sofia was able to bring her body into a state of calm almost every single morning. As a result of this she spent more time out of survival mode and into a state of creation. It is in creation mode where your desires manifest faster.

This not only helped her remain composed and maintain her focus throughout the testing process of job searching, but it also helped when presenting herself as confidently as possible during interviews. All she needed to do was decide she wanted her dream job (ask) embody that version (believe) and self-regulate to allow her desire in (receive)

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

She knew having her dream job meant it wasn’t enough to just think new thoughts, she would have to uninstall her old limiting beliefs and reinstall new ones.

This is what we call, reprogramming.

And although this process is powerful, it does require consistency. By listening to the sleep tapes suggested to her every night, Sofia managed to rewire and rebuild her mindset to align with the version of herself she preferred to be.

Sofia’s journey is solid proof of how your life can change once you make the decision. The power of deciding to become the woman you want to be is the difference between those who live the life they want and those who live the life they get.

Because of her decision and the work she was willing to put in (most of which didn’t require her to do too much) she can finally stop living for the weekend and start working in a job which feels more like play.

If landing your dream job is something you would like to have happen in your life or any other desires you want to see come into fruition. You can get started by clicking the button below.

Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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