How To Script Your Way To Your DREAM LIFE

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Have you ever dreamed of living a life so perfect it feels like it's straight out of a movie? Well, what if I told you that you could actually script your way into that dream life?

In this blog I want to share a technique I learnt from master manifestor, Abraham Hicks which will help you transform every desire into reality.

What is Scripting?

Scripting is a manifestation technique where you write about your desired reality as if it has already happened.

Think of it as though you are the director of the movie about your dream life, but instead of fictional characters, you're the star, you are the main character.

When you vividly describe your dream scenarios by writing them down in present tense, you send a powerful vibration through your subconscious mind in to the universe, and as we know, by law, the universe must match through people, places and circumstances.

But scripting is more than just writing a dream. It's a powerful way to reshape your future.

When you write about your dreams as if they're happening now, you are changing your energy. You're using detailed descriptions to send a strong message to your mind and the world around you.

A message which brings opportunities and situations that match what you've written. This idea comes from the law of attraction.

What you focus on is what you get. So, when you write a clear picture of what you want, the universe moves in a way to make it happen, lining up the right people and events to bring your script to life.

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When is the Best Time to Script?

Although there are no specific rules on when to script, I find writing techniques of this kind the most effective just before going to bed when your mind is at its most susceptible.

As long as you are in a relaxed state, that is a great time to script. Many people find that scripting is most effective:

  • First thing in the morning, when your mind is fresh and open

  • Just before bed, allowing your subconscious to work on your desires as you sleep

  • During a new moon or full moon, which are considered powerful times for setting intentions and super charging manifestations

  • Whenever you feel inspired or particularly optimistic

How to Script

The Present Tense

Describe your surroundings, actions, and feelings as if they are happening in this very moment.

For example, instead of saying "I will have a successful career," write "I am currently where in the best position I could be in my career”.

Scripting in the present-tense creates a stronger connection between your current reality and your dream reality, making it feel more achievable.

Be Specific

Don’t hold back on what you want. The more detailed you can be the more powerful your manifestation.

Use your imagination along with your five senses to bring your script to life.

When you write your script, try to make it feel real. Describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in your dream life.

For example, instead of just writing "I'm at the beach in Brazil'“ you could say:

"I feel the warm, soft sand under my feet as I walk by the water in Rio. I smell the salty air and see waves crashing. I can hear the sound of Bossa Nova and people laughing as they dance nearby. The sun feels warm on my face, and without really knowing whether it’s from the sea or my margarita, I can taste a bit of salt on my lips."

Now. You are in Brazil!

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Adding these details makes your script feel, it’s in these details your energy changes and feels more real. And once you believe it’s real, it has to manifest into reality.

Notice how you FEEL

Deep dive into the positive emotions that come with living your dream life.

Give yourself permission to experience the joy, excitement, and contentment that you would feel in the future, right now.

Feel the sense of accomplishment and pride that wash over you as you reflect on how far you've come.

When you embody these positive emotions, you're not only making your script more vivid and powerful, but also aligning your current emotional state with that of your dream life and magnifying your manifestation efforts.

End with Gratitude

End your script by being thankful. To receive your desires you must feel the feelings of already having them, and nothing brings you closer to this aligned feeling than the feelings of gratitude.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, take note of everything you do have including loved ones, a job, food in your fridge, clean water, good health, clothes on your back etc.

Example of Scripting your Dream Home

Today is August 22, 2025. I'm standing at the door of my new dream home, feeling very happy and thankful. As I walk in, I feel warm and a sense of belonging. Sunlight comes through the big windows, making the living room bright and cosy.

I love every part of my home. The kitchen is amazing, with great appliances and lots of space to cook and entertain guests. The bedrooms are peaceful and have beautiful views of the garden.

I feel so peaceful and happy because this home is exactly what I dreamed of. I'm very grateful for this wonderful manifestation and the journey it took to get here. My home isn't just a place to live – it's full of love, safety, and plenty. Every morning, I wake up feeling thankful and excited to be in this beautiful home.

This dream home is now real, and it shows that if you believe in your dreams and work towards them, you can make them happen. I'm so thankful for this great home and the wonderful life I have here.

Final Thoughts

Scripting is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your dreams into reality.

You don’t need to obsess over your scripts, but of course the more you practice them the more you're reprogramming your subconscious mind for success and aligning yourself with the frequency of your desires.

How I Can Help You

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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