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Mindset Patrice Monique Mindset Patrice Monique

None of This is Real! You're in A Game. Here's How To Play & WIN!

When I first heard that our time here in this physical space was just an illusion, I didn’t know what to think…

I said to myself “Is that a good or bad thing?”

I mean, it’s not entirely difficult to believe, sometimes it doesn’t feel real.

But what if this theory wasn’t far from the truth? What if this reality we call life was more like a game, one where the rules are hidden, but the rewards are limitless once you figure them out?

Like most, I had my realisation about life when I read the book The Secret which taught us all that we have more control over our lives than what we might have thought.

Because I promise you I had a very different outlook before this knowledge. I often felt like I was on autopilot, going through the motions of life. I didn’t realise that I was a player in a game with infinite possibilities until I started teaching myself more about personal development and consciously shifting my mindset.

In this article, we’ll explore not only this concept as a metaphor but also as a framework for understanding the world as a game, how to play, and most importantly, how you can win!

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Transformation Patrice Monique Transformation Patrice Monique

Collapsing the Space between your CURRENT VERSION and your DREAM VERSION

Have you ever felt as though your dream life is miles away? No matter how much you plan, visualise, and take action, that gap in between feels huge.

But what if I told you that gap isn’t real?

In this article, you’ll find my notes on how to shorten the space between where you are and where you want to be by using the power of quantum thinking, reprogramming your subconscious, and tapping into a higher dimension of the reality you’re used to.

Time and Space: An Illusion of the 3D World

For the longest time, I thought that success required effort, patience, and gradual progress over time. I believed the more effort I put in, the more I would get back.

However, after reading more than enough material from Dr. Joe Dispenza and other quantum thinkers I soon realised these rules are not fact.

Time and space are constructs of the physical world, otherwise known as the 3D. But in the quantum field, all possibilities exist simultaneously. Meaning the version you want to be is already living out her life on another timeline.

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Mindset Patrice Monique Mindset Patrice Monique

How I'm Using My Brain's Algorithm to Create My DESIRED REALITY

Do you ever wonder why the moment you decide you like a certain car, you suddenly start seeing that car everywhere you go? It’s like when I wanted a Tesla, I would see them everywhere, then the moment I decided I no longer wanted that car, I wouldn’t see half as many as I did when I wanted one.

Or when you create a new goal, you start stumbling across opportunities, people, and ideas that align perfectly with it?

This is not a coincidence, it’s your brain’s algorithm, otherwise known as your brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS) filtering the world around you.

You’re welcome. For the longest time, I never knew the correct term for it either, but I knew it meant something.

And in this article, you will learn how to use your RAS to change your approach to manifestation.

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Transformation Patrice Monique Transformation Patrice Monique

How To Shock Them All This Year

Let me preface this by saying, that in my four years of doing this mindset work for my transformation journey and teaching others, there are two groups of people…

  1. The ones who want it but aren’t willing to do anything to achieve it.

  2. Those who want it and will do almost anything to achieve it.

This article is for the latter.

  • This article is for you who are done with repeating the same cycle year after year and not getting anywhere.

  • This article is for you who are fed up with ending the year wishing you did something different but didn’t know where to start.

  • This article is for you who know that you deserve to live the life you go to bed dreaming about

  • This article is for you who is done with playing small and ready to step out as the main character of your story

Sometimes, the best way to transform your life is to consciously create a plot twist so big that you leave people stunned.

But shocking them all isn’t about revenge, proving others wrong, or seeking their validation, that’s what we call operating from a ‘low frequency’.


This is about stepping into the highest, most authentic version of yourself and allowing your growth to speak louder than your voice could carry.

I’ve been on this journey myself, starting out as someone with big dreams but minimal belief in my ability to achieve them.

From taking small steps in creating Coffee Moon to daring to reimagine a totally new version of myself. I’ve experienced in real life how powerful it is to embrace your truth and watch the world catch up.

In this article, I’m sharing some practical steps to guide you on your own journey of shocking everyone—including yourself with a potential you didn’t even know you had.

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Patrice Monique Patrice Monique

You Don’t Want Your Desires, You Want The FEELING of Having Them

When I first started my manifestation journey, I remember thinking I was doing everything right., writing down my goals, making vision boards, and stating positive affirmations every morning.

But after a while, I realised something wasn’t clicking. I was still wanting the life of my dreams, but it wasn’t happening no matter how hard I tried.

It was only until I heard the following quote:

"There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it" - Esther Hicks

I learned my desires weren’t ever really about ‘the thing’ they were about, the feeling.

This isn’t to say that you don’t really want your dream home. But answer me this, would you want your dream home if it made you feel bad?

It wouldn’t be a dream, right? It would be a nightmare.

So what makes your dream home a desire to live in?

In this article, I’m revealing why your feelings play the biggest part in embodiment and how to use them to align with your dreams, bringing them into reality.

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Mindset Patrice Monique Mindset Patrice Monique

Why Doing Less Can Help You RECIEVE MORE

For the longest time ever and well into my glow-up journey, I believed hard work equalled success.

“No pain, no gain” or “Hard work pays off.” were phrases I read in books, heard on podcasts, and within conversations with family, friends, and work colleagues.

But what if I told you that the key to receiving more was to do less. Impossible right?

“What do you mean, do less to get more?” I hear you ask. I didn’t quite get it when I first heard about this idea either, but the more I learned about it, the more it made sense.

The truth is, most people are stuck in a cycle of doing, striving, hustling, and pushing, yet they never seem to reach the level of abundance they often dream about whether it’s in money, love, career, or health.

Why? Because what they’re trying to attract on a physical level can only be attracted on a mental and vibrational one

I quickly realised that abundance flows not when I’m overexerting myself, or hustling over the next project, but when I align my energy with the version of myself I dream to be.

In this article, I’m going to share how I’ve gone from hustling every hour of the day to relaxing into the version of myself that naturally attracts success because this shift didn’t just change my mindset, it changed my life!

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