How To Express Gratitude Without Using A Journal

It is likely that by now you know the importance and the power of gratitude and what it can do both for your wellbeing and what you manifest into your life. But what if you can’t get a grip on the idea of journaling, or taking the time to compile a list of people to be grateful for.

And I guess this article is my way of giving attention to those who despise list-making and journal prompting but at the same time understand the power of gratitude and want to apply it to their life.

Mind you, I myself am not one of these people (list, journal, notebook and anything else which encourages to me to use a pen queen over here) I can understand not every method works for everyone and all techniques should be explored. So with that said, here is How To Practice Gratitude Without Using A Journal.

Call or text someone

Instead of writing a list in your journal about who you are grateful for, call or text them to express your gratitude directly.

It’s unlikely they would have been expecting to receive such a message and showing your appreciation to someone who has helped you in times of need will not only make them feel good but will lift your mood too.

Send a gift

Another way to show gratitude is to send a gift to a loved one or someone who you are thankful for.

Gift someone you’re grateful for bunch of flowers, a candle, or better yet a gift card from the Coffee Moon shop to let them know you care about and support their self-development journey.

Send a thank you note

A personal favourite is to send a thank you note, it feels as though they are slowly becoming a thing of the past but such a small gesture can have a huge impact and leaves a lasting impression. Send thank you notes to the host after being invited to a dinner party, to your neighbours, the family member who baby sat the kids, or the friend who lent a shoulder to cry on.

Say it to yourself

Showing gratitude doesn’t always require you to be grateful for someone in particular, you might be grateful for things such as having a car, a TV, a roof over your head, food in your fridge, the ability to get to work, and the mobile you’re probably reading this on. You don’t have to write them down to express how thankful you are for having them, say them to yourself in your head or out loud if you’re comfortable doing so.

What matters most is the feeling you feel in the moment of gratitude, that way you will be sent more of things to be grateful about.

Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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