How To Forgive and Make Peace With Yourself

Whether it’s a bad decision we made in the past, a hurtful action we took towards someone we care about, or a missed opportunity that we can’t go back and change, we’ve all made mistakes and done things we regret. And while it’s easy to get caught up in feelings of guilt and self-blame, holding onto these negative emotions can be incredibly damaging to our mental health and well-being. In order to move forward and live a life of contentment, it’s important you start learning how to forgive yourself and bring about a sense of peace.

Accept What Happened

The first step in forgiving yourself is to accept what happened. Acknowledge the mistake or regrettable action, and recognise that it was in the past and therefore it cannot be undone. Once you have accepted that it cannot be changed, it’s time to focus on how to move forward.

Of course, it’s easier said than done but try not to dwell on the past or ruminate on what you could have done differently. That energy will keep you stuck and hold you back from moving forward. Instead, focus on accepting the reality of the situation as it is, and remember none of us our perfect, we all make mistakes.

Make Amends

If you’re struggling to move forward from a situation involving someone else, consider making amends as an option. You don’t need to beg for forgiveness or get down on your knees. Rather, try reaching out with an olive branch and an apology as a way of achieving closure for both parties, and a chance for you to clear your conscience.

This means taking responsibility for the part you played, expressing remorse, and doing what you can to repair the relationship or situation. Whether you can restart your friendship, relationship, or working relationship is entirely up to each side, in some cases just an understanding that there is no more bad blood is all that is needed to move peacefully in different directions. Either way, making amends can help you put a close to a sticky chapter with no hard feelings. It also shows a level of maturity and self-awareness, allowing you to learn from your mistakes.

Practice Self-Compassion

Don’t punish yourself over regret of what you have said or done. Acknowledge your own suffering and give yourself the same level of compassion you would to a friend. Constantly putting yourself down won’t make the situation better for anyone, instead try speaking to yourself in a kind and supportive way, and recognise that you are worthy of forgiveness and love, no matter what mistakes you have made.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, reflect on how you would change your actions in the future. Consider what you would do differently if a similar situation were to arise again. It’s important not to attach your mistakes to your identity, as this can hinder personal growth and development, but at the same time see the experience as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what has the situation taught you about yourself?

Use your experiences to make improved decisions in the future.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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