How To Love Yourself Unconditionally

Self-love has become a popular concept, and both the term and the practice have become go-to lifestyles for feeling good about ourselves. However, true self-love requires much more than positive affirmations or a facial.

Loving yourself unconditionally means accepting yourself, flaws and all, and treating yourself with kindness and compassion. Imagine a mother watching her baby take its first steps. When the baby stumbles and falls, the mother doesn't criticise the child by telling it ‘You made a mistake, you have failed at life’. Instead, she cuddles her baby, gives it a kiss of support, and encourages the baby to try again. This is unconditional love. Sure it’s a journey that takes time, patience, and practice, but it is well worth the effort.

Here are some suggestions for loving yourself unconditionally:

1. Address Past Wounds

Many of us carry emotional wounds from our past that can make it difficult to love ourselves unconditionally. These wounds can come from childhood experiences, past relationships, family remarks or traumatic events.

To start loving yourself unconditionally, it's important to address these wounds and rewrite the narrative surrounding them.

Depending on how deep these wounds go, seeking therapy might be a great way to help your journey of healing. By healing these wounds, you can learn to love yourself more fully and authentically.

2. Practice Self-Forgiveness

During our lifetimes we all make mistakes and get things wrong. Recognise that this is a natural part of the learning process and instead of beating yourself up over what cannot be changed, practice self-forgiveness and show yourself compassion to let go of the past and work on moving forward.

3. Form Relationships with People Who Love Themselves

Surrounding yourself with people who love themselves can be a powerful way to learn to love yourself unconditionally.

Energy is contagious, so when you see others treating themselves with kindness, it can inspire you to do the same.

Stay close to friends and mentors who have demonstrated a healthy relationship with themselves and who can support you on your journey to unconditional self-love.

4. Accept Where You Are Right Now

Before you can become a masterpiece, you will be a work in progress. Wherever you are on your journey, accept your current stage and love yourself unconditionally. Whether you have your dream body or not, love yourself anyway. If you are single and not in a relationship or dating, love yourself anyway. If you are in a job you hate and not in your dream career, feel worthy of success in a job you love anyway.

It's okay to not be where you want to be right at this very moment.

You may have bad days or moments of self-doubt, but love yourself anyway. Accept these moments and remember that self-love is a journey, not a destination.

5. Give Yourself the Validation You Seek from Others

External validation is something many people seek to fill a void and feel good about themselves. However, this can be a trap that leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Seeking admiration and applause from others to feel good about yourself can give away your power and damage your confidence if that person decides to no longer validate you.

Instead, give yourself the validation you seek from others. If you want respect, show respect to yourself. If you want someone to celebrate you, celebrate yourself first. If you want love, move with a loving heart.

As the Law of Attraction states, like attracts like. When people see that you don't need their validation, they will naturally want to applaud, praise, and admire you. Giving yourself the validation you need can lead to greater self-love and inner peace.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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How To Forgive and Make Peace With Yourself