How To Let Go & Trust The Process

Our desires are rarely just pleasant thoughts; they usually involve a physical manifestation in 3D reality. This can cause us to become overly focused on the destination, forgetting to enjoy the journey. However, when we become fixated on the end result, we forget to trust the process and enjoy the journey.

It's important to take a step back, and allow things to unfold. Here are a few ways to do so.

Have unwavering faith

We often say 'seeing is believing', but in the manifesting world, we say 'believing is seeing'.

This is because in order to receive what you want, the higher power must see that you have unwavering faith. This means trusting that everything is happening for a reason, even if you can't see it yet. Your actions and your way of speaking will reflect this belief. So, if you want something, believe that the universe is working in your favour and that everything will work out in the end.

Enjoying the journey

Success isn't just about achieving your goals, it's also about enjoying the journey.

Think about when you book a holiday. The lead-up to arriving at your destination is filled with so much excitement. You prepare your clothes, research all the places you'll visit, and visualize yourself sitting on the beach or touring the city. Then, there’s the night before you are due to arrive at the airport, it’s like Christmas Eve as a child. This same feeling should be present as you journey your way through life. Be excited about your destination but also remember to savour the smaller moments. You know what you want is coming because you have unwavering faith, all you need to do next is prepare for it.

Detach from the outcome

In many instances, we become so attached to our goals and dreams that we forget life doesn't always go as planned. It's important to learn to detach from the outcome because even if you get what you desire most, it may not always happen the way you envisioned it. You might hope to meet your soulmate at the supermarket, rom-com style, but the universe might have a different plan for you, like bumping into each other at a yoga class or somewhere else unexpected.

In addition to this, attaching yourself to the outcome and obsessing over the results of shows that you are operating from a place of lack.

Operating from a place of lack means you lack confidence and faith that you'll receive what you want.

Remember, the universe can only send you more of how you feel. By detaching from the outcome you allow yourself to be open to different possibilities and paths that may lead you to your destination.

Trust the Process

I used to get irritated when people would tell me to "trust the process." It seemed too "woo-woo" and like something a self-help guru would say to sound ‘spiritually in tune’.

But now it's saved as my mobile wallpaper and is the first thing I see on my phone when I pick it up lol! I realised that trusting the process was exactly what I needed to do if I wanted to make the art of manifesting seamless.

I learned that to get what I wanted, I had to work with the universe, and that meant trusting that everything would come to fruition. Believe in yourself, become partners with the universe, and have faith in the journey. Remember that every step you take is leading you towards your dreams.

Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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