How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy with a Goddess Bath

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What are Goddess Baths?

Goddess baths are ideal for embracing your femininity and cleansing your aura. They don’t have to be for a special occasion although on the night of a full moon is a good way to supercharge and set intentions for a new cycle.

This is a time to relax, breathe and forget the noise from everyday life, go the extra mile and buy yourself a bath shelf and pillow, fill a large glass of wine, and carefully light a few candles.

Reading a book or listening to music which makes you feel good is a great way to zone out. Switch off from social media, read something fictional or uplifting, play music that reminds you of good times, if a song comes on that reminds you of your evil ex, skip to the next song, do whatever it takes to create an atmosphere of bliss, then sit back and enjoy the moment.

The Benefits of a Goddess Bath

Indulging in a goddess bath offers numerous benefits for your mind, body, and soul. It is a ritual based around an act of self-care that allows you to:

1. Nurture Yourself

Taking the time to create a Goddess bath and indulge in its luxurious ambiance is a beautiful act of self-love and self-care. It sends a powerful message to yourself that you are worthy of pampering, relaxation, and nourishment.

2. Rejuvenate and Relax

Create your own sanctuary of tranquillity and calm. Let the warm water, soothing aromas, and laid back ambiance help you unwind, and recharge your energy. The Goddess bath is a much-needed escape from your demands of everyday life.

3. Connect with Your Feminine Power

My favourite aspect about having a Goddess bath is that it’s a powerful way to tap into my feminine energy and connect with myself on a womanly level. It allows you to embrace your sensuality, intuition, and creativity.

4. Brings Inner Peace and Beauty

When you soak in a Goddess bath, you bring about a sense of inner peace and beauty to your life.

The combination of natural ingredients, such as flower petals, essential oils, and bath salts, nourishes your skin and enhances your physical radiance. This external beauty mirrors the inner glow that comes from embracing your true essence.

The Best Time for a Goddess Bath

While there is no specific time that is considered the "best" for a goddess bath, there are times of the day when it can be particularly transformative.

1. During Full Moons

Since the full moon symbolises abundance, manifestation, and the height of your feminine energy. Taking a Goddess bath during a full moon can amplify the intentions you set and increase the chances of your desires coming though to fruition

2. After Challenging Days

I often enjoy a Goddess bath after a challenging day or week, it can be a beautiful way to chill out and come into alignment with your happiest self.

3. When You Need to Reconnect with Yourself

If you are feeling disconnected from your true self or overwhelmed by work, relationship, financial worries, a goddess bath can be a powerful ritual to reconnect with your inner being. It allows you to have a moment of stillness and reflection.

Romanticising Your Life: Feeling Like the Main Character

A goddess bath is more than just a luxurious bath, it the perfect opportunity to romanticise your life and step into your role as the main character.

By creating a goddess bath, you are intentionally placing yourself at the top of your pedestal and reminding yourself you are worthy of having beauty and romance in your life.

Here are some ways in which having a Goddess bath will romanticise your life.

  • Setting the Ambiance

Transform your bathroom into a blissful oasis by dimming the lights, lighting candles, and playing soft, soothing music. Choose scents that evoke feelings of sensuality, such as rose, jasmine, or vanilla.

  • Enhancing the Experience

Add feminine elements to your bath, such as flower petals, pink bath salts, and essential oils. You can choose ingredients that resonate with your intentions and desired emotions. For example, add rose petals to set the intention of love, romance, and self-acceptance, or lavender to bring intentions of inner peace and restful nights.

  • Intention Setting

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to set an intention for this ritual. Before stepping into the bath, take a few moments to decide what you want the outcome of the bath to be. How you want to feel, what you want to release, and what you want to invite into your life? Let these intentions guide your mindset and energy throughout the bath session.

  • Embodying the Main Character

As you soak in this sacred water, allow yourself to fully embody the main character of your own story. As the music plays, visualise yourself stepping into your power, embracing your desires, and radiating confidence.

Embrace the belief that you are the creator of your own reality and that your dreams are within reach.

What You Need For a Goddess Bath & Affirmations:

State each affirmation as you add each ingredient

  • Lemon slices

    “Cleanse my aura with any negativity and recharge it with pure positive energy”

  • Himalayan salt

    “Keep my mind and body relaxed and calm during this bath”

  • 2–3 drops of Florida water

    “Bring good luck and protection into my life”

  • 1 tbsp of Rose water

    “I attract genuine relationships and have a healthy respect for myself”

  • Lay crystals around the edge of the bathtub (Jade, Rose Quartz, Amethyst) /

    “I bring abundance, financial success, and love into my life”

  • Flowers and petals

    Adding flowers and plants bring beauty to which you could add the affirmation - “I intend to bring beauty, romance and well-being into my life”

    Finally, carefully step into the bath (make sure it’s the right temperature for your) and soak for 20–30 minutes, or until you start to prune, don’t you just hate when that happens?

When you are ready to end the goddess bath ritual, place a strainer over the drain to catch any lemons and petals, bag them up to dispose. Do not rinse the bath water off your skin, gently pat yourself down with a towel. If you have sensitive skin minimise the amount of each ingredient you use, if you are allergic to specific ingredients do not use them at all. 

More tips and advice

  • Florida water is heavily scented so keep this in mind when adding it in your bath, your skin might not appreciate the potency. Do not perform a Goddess bath if you have open wounds or cuts.

  • Listen to calm relaxing music as you soak, my preference is always Piero Piccioni

  • Bring a glass of wine or a drink of your choice to enjoy as you soak

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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