Why Delayed GRATIFICATION Will Bring You Long-Term SUCCESS

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In a world that gets faster every day, and with apps such as Deliveroo, Netflix and Tinder, the words ‘instant gratification’ are not just a term, but have become the way of life.

But what if I told you that mastering patience and refining the art of delayed gratification could be the key to unlocking your long-term success?

What is Delayed Gratification?

Long gone are the days when we would have to visit our local Blockbuster on a Friday evening, select a film from off the very tall shelf for a weekend watch with the family, before returning it to the store just in time to avoid getting charged for another night.

Netflix and Hulu, in just a few short clicks, saved us from even having to leave the house and we instantly gained access to a wide range of films and TV shows at our fingertips.

And I know what you’re thinking,

“This a bad thing because…?”

“What’s wrong with technology advancing so well that we have everything at the tip of our fingers, food, entertainment, a dating life, it’s perfect, no?”

You’d be right to think so in the moment but long-term this expectation of things falling into our laps will eventually set us up to disappointment.

Understanding Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation of an immediate reward in favour of a later, more valuable one.

It's about having the patience and self-control to work towards long-term goals, even when faced with short-term temptations.

The Marshmallow Experiment

You might have seen the popular "marshmallow experiment" on TikTok created by psychologist Walter Mischel.

Children are given a choice: eat one marshmallow now or wait 15 minutes and get two marshmallows.

The study found that those who could delay gratification tended to have better life outcomes, including higher scores at school, lower levels of substance abuse, and better social skills.

With the short-lived feelings of quick pleasures such as takeaway foods, impulse spending, mindless scrolling on Instagram and moving too fast in relationships, instant gratification has the potential to lead to other detrimental issues such as bad health, a string of unfulfilling relationships, debt, and mental frustration.

The Benefits of Delayed Gratification

It Builds Self-Discipline

When you practice delayed gratification, you're essentially training your "willpower muscle."

Each time you choose long-term benefits over short-term pleasures, you're strengthening your self-discipline.

This skill is crucial in achieving any significant goal, whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal growth.

It Improves Decision-Making

By resisting immediate gratification, you give yourself time to think critically about your choices.

This pause allows you to consider the long-term consequences of your actions, leading to better decision-making in all areas of your life.

Creates Perseverance

Success rarely comes overnight. By practicing delayed gratification, you're cultivating the patience and perseverance needed to stick with your goals, even when progress seems slow. This resilience is what separates those who achieve their dreams from those who give up.

It Leads to Greater Rewards

Often, the rewards that come from delayed gratification are far greater than the immediate pleasures you might have indulged in. Think about saving money for a dream vacation instead of splurging on daily luxuries, or investing time in learning a new skill rather than binge-watching TV shows.

How to Practice Delayed Gratification


Optimise your productivity with delayed gratification by putting in a little extra graft to better the long-term outcome of what you are trying to achieve. A few examples are below:

  • Start a side hustle and commit to working on it every day, the chances of you becoming an overnight success are slim, persist anyway.

    Build something solid, a brand with strength and integrity behind it. Besides people are much more impressed by brands who have overcome obstacles than those who cut corners to get to the top.

  • If you want to get in shape, create an eating plan and decide what you can do to start working out and getting in shape.

    Attend a yoga class, consistently. Running or jogging both are budget-friendly ways to get in shape. You could hire a personal trainer or if you’re on a budget there are plenty of great trainers on social media who do group exercises via their social platforms at a fraction of the price.

  • If you’re working towards financial stability, create a savings pot and add something to it every month even if it’s small amounts.

    Promise yourself it’s strictly for your future gain and not to be spent on those pairs of shoes which can wait.

  • For genuine romantic relationships, take time to invest in a connection, really get to know the other person and build upon your shared interests before you give too much of yourself leaving you feeling taken advantage of.

  • Practice daily mindfulness and self-reflection whether it be a mediation session, journaling or compiling a gratitude list. This will bring you into the present moment without any distractions.

Road to Success

Remember, practicing delayed gratification doesn't mean you can never enjoy immediate pleasures.

It's about finding the right balance and making conscious choices that align with your long-term goals.

There isn’t a doubt in my mind there will be times when the temptation of instant reward seems overwhelming.

But each time you choose to delay gratification, you're investing in your future success.

How I Can Help You

1.Download the Glow Up Guide

Designed to give you the foundations of what it takes to start becoming the best version of yourself, this guide provides a step-by-step roadmap to transform your body and mind, packed with practical strategies and actionable techniques.

From regulating your nervous system and shifting your self-image, to adopting healthier lifestyle habits and mastering self-care routines, this guide is a treasure trove of valuable insights. Click here for £5 off!

2. The Ultimate Glow Up Program

The Ultimate Glow Up Program is a self-study bank of resources for a faster, and seamless personal transformation.

Expect to find techniques on how to create a safe space within your body, reprogram an old limiting mindset and boost your confidence to another level. Click here to learn more.

2. Break Your Cycle in 21 Days - Personalised Action Plan

Need something a little more 1:1? This tailored action plan is designed to help you break free from your unique circumstances and create lasting change.

Included is a personalised strategy, daily actionable steps to implement over the 21 days, techniques for overcoming obstacles and building new habits that work, for you.

Spaces are limited. Click here to learn more.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.


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