15 RED FLAGS You Should Watch Out For In Friendship

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Friendships can sometimes be tricky to navigate. A good friendship is one you can’t imagine life without, particularly when you have been through a lot together, there’s a bond that seems unbreakable.

Yet, life comes at us fast and as individuals we grow at different stages and for the most part different paces. These changes can either cause friction between friends, or create a stronger bonds.

Nevertheless friendship flags should be looked out for the same way you would with someone you are romantically dating.

Here are some red and green flags you should watch out for to identify which friendships are rock solid and which need revaluation.

Red flags in a Friendship

  1. Even through rough patches friendships can be salvaged and restored to being stronger than ever, and some have simple run its course. Here are some red flag warnings in friendship to watch out for:

  2. They are dishonest

  3. They are competitive and always need to get one up on you

  4. They are dismissive of your accomplishments

  5. They always think they are right and you are wrong

  6. They try to stunt your growth with discouragement

  7. They lack communication

  8. They refuse to take accountability for their mistakes or actions

  9. They are there for the good times but don't show up when things get tough

  10. They laugh and make fun of your goals and aspirations

  11. They display clear signs of jealousy

  12. You never hear from them unless they want something

  13. They only talk about themselves and don't ask how you are

  14. They don't want you to have any other friends

  15. They tell their other friends things you had told them in confidence

  16. You feel drained after a conversation or meet up with them

Green Flags in a Friendship

Some friendships are built to last forever and can stand the test of time. Friendships built on genuine connections display some of the characteristics below:

  1. They are honest

  2. They celebrate and congratulate your wins

  3. They are supportive

  4. They can agree to disagree

  5. They encourage you to keep going when you don't feel motivated

  6. Their words match their actions

  7. They make an effort to see and talk to you

  8. They quickly and intentionally try to resolve conflict

  9. They make you laugh

  10. They check-in on you

  11. You feel you feel safe enough to be vulnerable around them

  12. They accept you for who you are

  13. They speak about their other friends with respect

  14. They apologise when they are wrong

  15. They have your back, behind your back

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.


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