How To Leave Your Mark on People

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Have you ever crossed paths with someone even for just a brief moment either in a professional setting or personal, and when they left your presence they also left a lasting impression on you by something they did or said?

What It Means to Leave a Mark on Someone

Leaving a mark on someone is also to leave a lasting impression on them. When people remember you for the way you made them feel, you open yourself up to positive events taking place in your life, such as building genuine connections or new and exciting opportunities that you could be recommended for.

Whether good or bad, the impression we leave on others establishes a sense of trust, or a lack thereof.

Knowing what makes people feel good through words and small gestures can influence their perception of you and have them walking away remembering you, for the right reasons, for a lifetime.

How To Leave a Mark on People

Be Your Authentic Self

Playing up to a character and not being yourself in order to fit in or be seen as cool, relatable, funny and admirable is too much work.

Be yourself.

I cannot reiterate enough how much being your authentic self is the most freeing feeling as a human being, especially right now in a world where everybody wants to be the same.

If you’re naturally shy and introverted don’t feel pressured to be bubbly and loud, if you’re personality is more along the lines of being bubbly and vivacious, don’t dilute yourself down out of fear that people might see you as ‘too much’.

Of course, there’s a time and place for everything, and you should know how to read the room. However, do not completely change who you are to ‘win’ someone over. Most of the time others can see right through it, and they won’t be impressed.

Use Their Name, often, But Not Too Much

The fact is we all love to feel seen, so remembering someone’s name shows not only are you paying attention but can quickly help you build rapport with someone you’ve just met.

Our names are a huge part of our identity and when it is during a conversation we feel somewhat validated, as though we matter.

The next time you meet someone for the first time whether it be a friend of a friend or work colleague at your new job, as you say goodbye remember to use their name, something so small can be so powerful.

Engage in Conversation

By opening up and seemingly showing a sense of vulnerability, great bonds are formed.

It isn’t necessary to talk about your entire life story in immense detail to someone you’ve just met.

However, when you engage in conversations and share personal experiences it implies trust and understanding.

Listen intently to the topic being discussed, if you can relate, open up by sharing something similar you went through and perhaps felt how they felt too.

Send ‘Thank You’ Letters

Depending on the situation, sending thank you notes are always a nice touch.

If you’ve been invited to an intimate evening dinner, post a thank you card to the host thanking them for a lovely evening.

People love to feel appreciated and by going the extra mile to show your gratitude, you will make yourself someone very difficult to forget.

More tips and advice

  • Not to sound patronising, but always remember to use basic manners in company, particularly new company. People like to be around others who are polite and well-mannered and you’d be surprised how just remembering to say please and thank you can come across as impressive.

  • Add a balanced dose of optimism. The last thing you want to be remembered for is being a Debbie downer, offer a positive outlook and present your warmer energy.

How I Can Help You

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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