Why Failing Is Your NEXT STEP To Success

It’s now easier than ever to get a glimpse into the lives of other people.

Everywhere you turn it seems as though everyone is living their best lives, climbing career ladders, settling down in healthy relationships, looking happier, and healthier and wealthier.

But what you don’t often see are the setbacks, the obstacles and the failures they overcame in order to reach that point in their life.

Although failure isn’t a great feeling, it can be the what you need for achieving success in every area of your life. JK Rowling famously said “Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I suspected.”

So, despite how it feels to fail, the other side of it is that it will play a crucial part in your growth which can lead to changing everything.

Here are a few reasons why you should embrace failure.

Forces you to Explore Other Options

After experiencing failure, it’s likely you’ll want to give up, however don’t admit defeat.

Instead, pivot from that point by looking into different ways of doing things.

Just because your business idea failed doesn’t necessarily mean you are not cut out for business; you probably need to experiment with different ideas.

Keep testing new avenues, reach out to people you wouldn’t reach out to, try new methods.

Keep throwing ideas at the wall, eventually something will stick.

Teaches you Humility

Can you imagine how big your ego would be if you succeeded at everything you did on your first attempt? I used to wonder, why I couldn’t I be an overnight success when I published my first blog back in 2020.

But, I soon realised, I would have never continued my curiosity of the world of writing which not only developed my skills but also taught me about humility.

A healthy dose of failure from time to time can be good for keeping your feet on the ground and reminding you that you are a forever a student of life and there’s always more work to be done.

An Inspiration To Others

When you look back at the struggles you've faced in your past and what you’ve had to overcome, it might feel slightly daunting.

However, you also might be surprised by how important that chapter of your story was and its contribution to your growth.

Anything worth having won’t come easily.

A long-lasting relationship full of love and laughter, friendships that last decades, a thriving career, optimal health, it all requires some sort of effort and learning.

This means there’s a chance we may fail a few times along the way. Embrace the journey anyway and realise your stories of overcoming challenging times were necessary for where you are today and can be used as a way to inspire others.

Success Tastes So Much Sweeter after Failing

If everything was handed to us on a plate, chances are we’d value it less.

When you’ve overcome adversity success tastes so much sweeter because you remember the courage and strength it took to achieve it.

Final Thoughts

Failure boils down to perspective, yes, it’s a word, but you can change how you feel about that word and what it means to you.

Instead of identifying failure as a sign that you should give up, or that something is not meant for you, change the narrative and decide failure is a sign that something better is coming, and you are being called to change your perception and explore other options or resources.

Think about it, if you didn’t experience failure, what lessons would you have learnt?

How would you be able to decide what it is you truly want without knowing what it is you don’t want? Through the good and the bad, it’s all a part of your journey.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.


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