Collapsing the Space between your CURRENT VERSION and your DREAM VERSION
Have you ever felt as though your dream life is miles away? No matter how much you plan, visualise, and take action, that gap in between feels huge.
But what if I told you that gap isn’t real?
In this article, you’ll find my notes on how to shorten the space between where you are and where you want to be by using the power of quantum thinking, reprogramming your subconscious, and tapping into a higher dimension of the reality you’re used to.
Time and Space: An Illusion of the 3D World
For the longest time, I thought that success required effort, patience, and gradual progress over time. I believed the more effort I put in, the more I would get back.
However, after reading more than enough material from Dr. Joe Dispenza and other quantum thinkers I soon realised these rules are not fact.
Time and space are constructs of the physical world, otherwise known as the 3D. But in the quantum field, all possibilities exist simultaneously. Meaning the version you want to be is already living out her life on another timeline.