How To Know if You Are Being LOVE-BOMBED

The concept of love bombing is a harsh reality, one that some people would rather not address, but most, don’t even realise it’s happening.

At its core, love-bombing is a manipulative behaviour where someone showers you with excessive affection, compliments, and attention to win you over quickly only to later down the line.

And while this may seem flattering initially, love bombing is an act that often has an ulterior motive with the end goal resulting in control or influence.

In this article, I’m going to share how you can quickly spot the signs of a love bomb and how you can detonate it before it explodes.

Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based self-development and lifestyle writer.

With a deep appreciation for personal transformation Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewrite your story and make your dream life a reality.
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