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9 Red Flags To Not Ignore When Dating Someone New
Dating is neither black or white but look out for those flags which are red.
Releasing Yourself from EXTERNAL VALIDATION
The only validation you need is from the woman in the mirror.
7 Key Pieces of Advice for the Girlies In Their 20's for Happiness and Success
Calling all my girlies in their most exciting decade. The 20’s.
This is a letter from me to you.
Your Friends Won’t Support Your Business, But Here’s Why That Doesn’t Matter
What to do when support isn’t coming from inside the circle.
Why Aloneness Will Reveal Who You Really Are
There’s a lot to learn from solitude, find out how.
How To Express Gratitude Without Using A Journal
Anti-list and journaling? Gratitude can still be a part of your lifestyle.
The Shocking Reason Why SHARING YOUR GOALS Are Stopping You From Achieving Them
Find out what is stopping you from achieving your goals.
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