How I Raise My Vibration to Manifest Faster


When Bob Proctor said that despite ‘The Secret’ portraying the Law of Attraction as the primary law, that was incorrect and the true primary law is the Law of Vibration, a wash of realisation came over me.

Of course, it was!

To attract anything starts with energy and to change my energy I would need to change the frequency of my vibration.

However, when I started my journey of transformation I realised raising my vibration wasn’t just about positive thinking and that was only a small piece of the puzzle.

I had to learn how to transform from the inside out, mind, body and soul for long-term results.

If you’re reading this I can imagine you probably want to do the same and become more aware of the vibration you put out so you can receive your desires faster.

But before we look into how you can start raising your vibration, let’s go back to basics.

What is a Vibration?

The first thing to know is that

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, yes, even you.

Everything is energy.

The phone or tablet you’re reading this from is vibrating at a frequency because everything is in a constant state of motion.

The vibration which happens within you vibrates at a frequency to which your energy resonates.

For example:

High Vibrations: associated with feelings of love, gratitude, joy, excitement, contentment, fulfilment, inner peace.

In this frequency, you feel light and a sense of freedom.

Low Vibrations: Depression, sadness, jealousy, rage, shame, and guilt.

In this frequency, you often feel heavy, drained, exhausted, and anxious.

An analogy I love to think of when I want to raise my vibration is the one given by Abraham Hicks who suggests to think of raising your vibration as tuning your frequency into a radio station.

When you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, you’re tuned into the radio station that plays music with positive experiences, clarity, and abundance.

When your vibration is low, you tune into a radio station that plays music which feels stuck, lonely, and sad.

You can’t be tuned into Kiss FM if the frequency is on Captial Xtra (UK radio stations)

By becoming conscious of your vibrational frequency, you can shift your emotional and energetic state to one which attracts things you want to experience such as healthier relationships, better finances, and improved overall health.

So, how do you raise your vibration to attract these experiences?

In this article, I’m going to share some of the ways which work for me and I believe they would work well for you too.

Romanticising My Life

Something that’s important to me is the relationship I have with myself.

So, to raise my vibration, one of the main things I prioritise is romanticising my life no matter how big or small it feels.

I’ve found that small, intentional changes in how I view my day-to-day have transformed the way I feel which ultimately puts me on a higher frequency.

When you romanticise your life, you embrace beauty in the basic and often boring parts of the day and turn them into what feels like a fairy tale raising your energetic frequency.

Let me show you what I mean so you can start romanticising your life too:

  • Morning Rituals: Start your day with a luxurious routine. For me, this means getting my French press ready and making a frothy coffee using my milk whisk. This shouldn’t be saved for special occasions because every day is an occasion.

    For you, it might be watering your plants while listening to music, or simply sitting with a moment of stillness before the day gets busy.

  • Redesign Your Space: I always have flowers or plants in my space because they bring beauty to my home which makes me feel good. And when I feel good my vibration is raised.

    How could you romanticise your space?

    Add fresh flowers to your desk or declutter your living area, create an environment that uplifts your senses is key to vibrating higher.

  • Slow down: Take time to enjoy the little things—whether it’s savouring your breakfast, indulging in a skincare routine, or taking a leisurely walk.

    Slowing down brings you into Theta mode where your brain waves slow down and manifestation happens much faster.

Sometimes I forget the various ways I can romanticise my life.

When this happens I reach for my guide 81 Ways to Romanticise Your Life, which goes deeper into simple, practical ways to bring this concept into your home, beauty, and style.

Nourishing My Body

Learning about energy and vibrational frequencies forced me to look at where in my lifestyle I needed change to see an improvement and raise my vibration for longer.

Something which needed to change was my diet. And the more I paid attention to what I was eating, the more I noticed how I felt after certain meals.

Have you ever had that?

Where you eat a meal that you believe to be delicious but soon after you felt like sh*t. Your mood goes down and you start feeling bad about yourself.

It’s a horrible feeling.

*And for me, I noticed it was always after I ate a meal which was ultra-processed. Even though it tasted yummy, my body hated it and my vibration would vibrate on a lower frequency.

When I started focusing on a nutrient-dense diet and minimised the amount of heavily processed foods I was eating, I noticed a profound shift in both my mental state and overall mood.

Eating foods that fuel your body is one of the most powerful ways to raise your vibration because you are feeding your body what it truly wants and needs.

This isn’t to say completely stop eating these kinds of foods but to become aware of how much you’re eating them.

Here are some ways you can turn your diet into a high-vibrational one:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Cavolo Nero are packed with nutrients that help boost your energy and detoxify your body.

  • Healthy Fats: I never believed there was such a thing as good or ‘healthy fats’ but thankfully there are and some of them are so delicious.

    Foods such as avocados, salmon, and walnuts will nourish your brain (think of what a walnut looks like).

  • Hydration: I hate to be boring but water is essential for maintaining high energy levels.

    I’ve learned from James Clear to optimise my environment and made it a habit to drink 2 litres of water every day by placing a 2L bottle on my desk to drink while I work.

    Make it easy for yourself, keep a water bottle close by so getting your daily intake is easily within reach.

  • Limiting Processed Foods and Sugar: And of course, limiting ultra-processed foods. This can be in the form of sweets, crisps, shop-bought desserts and ready meals.

    These foods can lower your energy and leave you feeling sluggish. Reducing how much you eat can improve your alertness and allow you to become more aligned with your higher self.

Reducing Alcohol Intake

Don’t freak out! I’m not encouraging you to give up the mid-week and weekend glasses of wine. I’m not ready to do that either lol!

However, another shift I had to make was becoming conscious and seeing if I could cut back on my alcohol intake. Although I’m not out on the town downing Jägerbombs three times a week like in my twenties. I still do love a cheeky glass of Sauv now and then.

But the downside is, that too much alcohol can also hurt your energy levels on an emotional level.

And it’s your emotions which send out a frequency.

So, while it may be tempting and socially accepted in Western culture, overconsumption can indeed lower your vibration.

For me, I’ve personally felt lighter, more focused, and emotionally balanced since becoming aware of my alcohol consumption levels.

The Theta Feels

Earlier in this post, I touched on slowing your brainwaves down and bringing your body into Theta mode.

But what exactly is Theta?

Theta brainwaves happen when you’re deeply relaxed and your intuition is heightened as well as manifestation and healing.

You tend to be in Theta when you’re reading, journaling, daydreaming or just before you fall asleep.

Knowing how powerful slowing my brainwaves down to enter the Theta state and manifest what I wanted faster completely changed my evening routine.

Here are a few things I do to enter this state and heighten my chances of my desired manifestation which you can try too:

Meditation: A consistent meditation practice has been my go-to for accessing the Theta state.

My favourite is the meditations by Joe Dispenza but any which help you find inner peace and calm is just as good.

Even just 10 minutes a day of sitting in silence or using a guided meditation can shift your brainwaves.

Breathwork: Conscious breathing exercises help to calm your nervous system and naturally bring your body into a more relaxed state, allowing for Theta brainwave activation.

Visualisations: Visualising your dream life while in a Theta state amplifies your ability to manifest it into reality.

I love to spend time before bed swiping through my Pinterest Board imagining my dream life, using all of my senses in the vision.

Visualising My Dream Life

Which brings me to my last practice.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve incorporated a visualisation technique into my evening routine

This isn’t just wishful thinking. Visualising using your senses rewires your subconscious mind to believe in that higher version of you.

You can supercharge your visualisation by:

  • Getting clear what the dream version of you looks, acts and talks like

  • Creating a vision board

  • Imagine daily and feeling the feelings of already having the life you want


Remember raising your vibration on demand isn’t something that will happen overnight.

It takes time, practice and an understanding that our emotions go up and down.

Be patient with yourself as you implement these changes, and trust that each step you take is bringing your vibration higher to manifest your dream life faster.


Watch this incredible video of the Glucose Goddess with Lewis Howes to improve your diet and raise your vibration

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based self-development and lifestyle writer.

With a deep appreciation for personal transformation Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewrite your story and make your dream life a reality.



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