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The Secret Sound That is SPEEDING Up My Manifestations
Whether it’s achieving financial freedom, living a luxurious lifestyle, or stepping into the most confident version of ourselves, we all want to manifest our dream reality, quickly!
I know when I slip out of alignment my first thought is
“When is this shit coming?!”
Seriously, how often have you felt like you’re doing everything right and still not seeing the results?
But what if I told you there’s a simple, yet powerful tool that could help you speed up the manifestation process, and all you needed was a pair of headphone?
Enter binaural beats.
In this article I’m going to share the power of sound and how tuning into particular frequencies matter if you want to start showing up as the best version of yourself.
When I Gave Up On Manifesting, And Did This Instead, EVERYTHING CHANGED
I’ve been obsessed with the idea of manifesting since my grandma bought me The Secret. Once I learned this concept, I created vision boards to cover my walls, notebooks filled with affirmations, and a Pinterest board dedicated to the “dream life” I was working tirelessly to call into existence.
And most things I have ever asked for have come to fruition. But something I’ve recently realised is after months of pouring my energy into ‘trying to manifest’, I felt stuck and often frustrated.
No matter how hard I tried, my dream home, the thriving career, and the love life seemed so far away.
But that was the issue, I was trying, instead of realising that manifesting was something I did naturally, I saw it as a task that I had to set aside time to focus on.
I wasn’t living in the present.
I was so focused on the future that I had forgotten about the power of now. That’s when I decided to stop trying to manifest and instead focus on something deeper.
The 17-Second MANIFESTATION RULE Explained and Why It’s a Game-Changer in My Nightly Routine
If you are a regular visitor to the world of manifestation, you may have already heard of The 17-second rule?
But what is it? And why is something so powerful, and so possible in a matter of seconds?
In this article, I’m going to break down the rule and share how I incorporate it into my evening routine to align my energy with the best version of myself and move closer to my dreams in a short space of time and how you can you use it to achieve your desires and manifest the life you want to live too!
How I Raise My Vibration to Manifest Faster
To change your life, you need to change your energy, and to change your energy you need to change your vibration.
Bob Proctor said the mistake ‘The Secret’ made was implying the Law of Attraction was the primary law, however the primary and most important law is the Law of Vibration.
In this article, I’m going to share what I do to raise mine, and how you can too.
The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Perfect Partner This Year
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about manifestation, it’s that love is no different from anything else you desire, it’s all about alignment. But here’s the real secret:
You don’t “get” love. You become the version of yourself that naturally attracts the love you desire.
I know this isn’t what you want to hear and you’re probably thinking
“But I know someone who suffers from low self-worth who is in a great relationship”
What I’d say to that is, don’t compare your life to someone’s highlight reel, you don’t know what lessons have been laid out for them.
Besides, I know this firsthand.
I was so confused when I first read The Secret, I believed just thinking and visualising my perfect relationship was enough, I used to approach it as if it were something outside of me, something I needed to chase or earn.
Like many other self-help writers I could easily suggest you create a vision board, think positively and keep a rose quartz under your pillow but I know those methods will get you nowhere.
It was only once I stopped looking for it and started embodying the feelings of love, and certainty within myself, things shifted.
The more I aligned with the version of me that was already in my dream relationship, the more love showed up in my life in ways I never expected.
In this blog I’m sharing the 6 steps that are often overlooked but are crucial when it comes to improving your dating life, building better connections and ultimately manifesting the perfect partner.
How To Manifest your Dreams from your Feminine Energy
Allow your inner goddess to reveal your dreams
The One Thing You Haven't Tried Yet to Manifest Your Dream Life
Avoid doing this one thing to speed up your manifestation
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