You Don’t Want Your Desires, You Want The FEELING of Having Them
When I first started my manifestation journey, I remember thinking I was doing everything right., writing down my goals, making vision boards, and stating positive affirmations every morning.
But after a while, I realised something wasn’t clicking. I was still wanting the life of my dreams, but it wasn’t happening no matter how hard I tried.
It was only until I heard the following quote:
"There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it" - Esther Hicks
I learned my desires weren’t ever really about ‘the thing’ they were about, the feeling.
This isn’t to say that you don’t really want your dream home. But answer me this, would you want your dream home if it made you feel bad?
It wouldn’t be a dream, right? It would be a nightmare.
So what makes your dream home a desire to live in?
In this article, I’m revealing why your feelings play the biggest part in embodiment and how to use them to align with your dreams, bringing them into reality.