How To Shock Them All This Year


Let me preface this by saying, that in my four years of doing this mindset work for my transformation journey and teaching others, there are two groups of people…

  1. The ones who want it but aren’t willing to do anything to achieve it.

  2. Those who want it and will do almost anything to achieve it.

This article is for the latter.

  • This article is for you who are done with repeating the same cycle year after year and not getting anywhere.

  • This article is for you who are fed up with ending the year wishing you did something different but didn’t know where to start.

  • This article is for you who know that you deserve to live the life you go to bed dreaming about

  • This article is for you who is done with playing small and ready to step out as the main character of your story

Sometimes, the best way to transform your life is to consciously create a plot twist so big that you leave people stunned.

But shocking them all isn’t about revenge, proving others wrong, or seeking their validation, that’s what we call operating from a ‘low frequency’.


This is about stepping into the highest, most authentic version of yourself and allowing your growth to speak louder than your voice could carry.

I’ve been on this journey myself, starting out as someone with big dreams but minimal belief in my ability to achieve them.

From taking small steps in creating Coffee Moon to daring to reimagine a totally new version of myself. I’ve experienced in real life how powerful it is to embrace your truth and watch the world catch up.

In this article, I’m sharing some practical steps to guide you on your own journey of shocking everyone—including yourself—with a potential you didn’t even know you had.

Define Your Vision (and Keep it to Yourself)

And no, you’re not being sneaky by keeping your dreams to yourself, but what is there to share when you’re trying to figure it out first?

I know it’s exciting to create a vision and share it with family and friends but before you do, focus on redefining exactly what your vision is.

Work hard in silence, let success be your noise.
— Frank Ocean

When I was creating my beauty brand, Kitaka, it felt like a huge deal because everyone had known me for being a fashion stylist for almost a decade which was no longer going to be.

At the time, the idea seemed bigger than me, something I wasn’t sure I could pull off. So, aside from telling my closest family members, I kept it close to my heart.

I spent my time pouring my energy into research, branding, and creating products that reflected my values.

Here’s how you can do the same:

  • Write down your wildest dreams as if they’ve already happened.

  • Set clear goals to support this vision. Daily actions that align with your future self.

  • Avoid oversharing your plans before they manifest. Instead, focus on how you are going to bring your vision to life

When you move in silence, people don’t see it coming, which makes your transformation even more jaw-dropping. There’s actually a science behind sharing your goals prematurely which you can read more about here.

Become Obsessed With Growth

Without sounding too toxic, you do have to become slightly obsessed with learning how to bring your vision to life!

The most shocking transformations aren’t just about what you do on the outside, they come from within.

You may not wear the uniform anymore, but class is always in session.

You should always be learning how you can become better than you were yesterday. No matter how much I think I know about mindset and manifestation, every day I find out something I had never heard before.

Whether it’s through devouring books on mindset and manifestation, practising methods to reprogram my subconscious mind, tapping into a new frequency, and transforming my self-image.

These small, consistent habits rewired how I saw myself and my potential.

Here are some ways to prioritise your personal growth:

  • Invest in yourself, whether that’s through courses, coaching, or books, or podcasts.

  • Set a ‘winning morning routine’ and an evening routine where you impress upon your mind new ways of thinking and being

The version of you that will leave people in shock by your transformation isn’t created overnight. But with enough discipline and a shift in your habits, it will leave people thinking it is.

Stay Unexpected

One thing I’ve learned on this journey is to surprise people with your moves. When I started talking on camera for Coffee Moon, many of my friends messaged me, sending me DM’s with words of support telling me how much they loved my videos.

Because although they knew I was building my confidence to show up on camera, I never had, for four years,…until I did.

Do something unexpected. If you usually go out, stay in. If you usually bite your tongue, speak out. If you usually say yes, say no.

Keep them guessing. Here’s how:

  • Experiment with bold moves, like pivoting your career, changing your style, or learning a new skill such as cooking, swimming, or learning a new language.

  • Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. Evolution is key to staying relevant and interesting.

  • Surprise yourself first! Step into situations that feel uncomfortable or uncertain and grow from them. This will improve your self-confidence

When you do what no one expects, you force people to see you in a new light. Not only are you transforming the way they see you, but more importantly you’re transforming how you see yourself.

Create a “Watch Me” Mindset

Nothing is more shocking than someone who quietly works on themselves while exuding quiet confidence.

When I say a “watch me” mindset, I don’t mean it in a conceited self-absorbed way. I mean in a way where you you are so determined to manifest your vision, nothing can stop you.

Over the years, I’ve learned to tune out the noise including, criticism, doubts, and even my insecurities and replace it with a mantra: "Watch me.".

This is how you can develop a “watch me” attitude:

  • Be consistent. Even when you’re doubting yourself, show up and keep doing the work.

  • Don’t let other people’s expectations define you. Instead, let your actions do the talking.

  • When doubt creeps in, especially if it comes from other people, visualise your end goal. Imagine their faces when you accomplish it.

A “watch me” mindset turns every obstacle into fuel for your growth.

Glow Up Inside and Out

When I started my Ultimate Glow-Up Program, I researched every glow-up program there was on the market and even though there weren’t many, the ones that were available were solely focused on how to glow up on the outside.

“This is great!” I yelled.

Because what they were offering was so different from what I wanted to create for my members. I wanted my program to be based on how to create long-lasting change, it wasn’t just about aesthetics.

I wanted to create a space for women like you to step into a version of yourself that is aligned with your future life. From reprogramming our self-concept to romanticising even the smallest aspects of our daily routines, this inner and outer glow-up has made both my members and I feel unstoppable.

Tips for a transformational glow-up:

  • Build your confidence by changing your internal dialogue, listening to sleep affirmations and learning how to change your vibration

  • Every morning and night practice nervous system regulation to ring peace between your brain and your heart

  • Focus on your physical health: Health is wealth. Prioritise nutrient-dense foods, movement you enjoy, and hydration.

  • Romanticise your life. Don’t wait for birthdays and ‘special occasions’ to celebrate your life. Go to fancy restaurants now, “have coffee in an expensive hotel” now, visit art fairs, now. If you’re stuck for ideas, I have 81 big and mall in my guide which you can download here.

The glow-up isn’t about impressing others, it’s about honouring yourself. When you feel amazing, it radiates, and people can’t help but notice.

6. Let Your Results Speak for Themselves

Similar to the first point I made, you don’t need to shout from the rooftops when you’re making moves. I’ve found that when you focus on results, you naturally command attention.

At the same time, it’s nice to bring people along on the journey. You decide how much you; ‘re willing to share.

Whether it’s hitting a major milestone, landing an opportunity you’ve worked toward, or simply living your best life, give people insight, but ultimately, let the outcomes speak for you.

Ways to let your results shine:

  • Show, don’t tell. Share your wins authentically and without coming across as arrogant.

  • Document your journey. I recently did this with my 30-Day Pilates Challenge, it’s inspiring for others and a reminder of how far you’ve come and how dedicated you are to your vision without giving away too much.

  • Stay humble. Success is shocking because it’s unexpected, don’t overshadow your progress with ego. No one likes a show-off.

The less you focus on impressing others and the more you focus on yourself, the more your transformation will captivate them.


While it’s satisfying to leave people speechless, don’t forget the real goal is to create a life you’re proud of.

My journey to building my brand and stepping into my dream life has been as much about rediscovering myself as it’s been about the results. Shocking them all is the cherry on top, not the main event.

Your transformation will naturally shock the people who didn’t believe in you, who underestimated you, or who didn’t see your vision.

But most importantly, it will shock you in the best possible way. Let your glow up do the talking, and watch your world stand in wonder.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based self-development and lifestyle writer.

With a deep appreciation for personal transformation Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewrite your story and make your dream life a reality.

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