How to BREAK FREE From Seeking External Validation

Do you find yourself seeking approval and validation from others, only to feel empty and unsatisfied? It's time to break free from this cycle and discover the true path to self-worth and confidence.

If you don't know how to find happiness internally, you may start to feel empty and insecure when you’re not receiving it externally.

The good news is, once you learn to break free from this cycle, you will soon discover how to create your own happiness and feel secure within yourself, regardless of the opinions of others.

Here are a few important things to remember when striving to break free from seeking external validation:

Find Out Why You Seek External Approval

Understanding the underlying reason to why you seek outside approval is an important step towards overcoming it, and building your self-confidence.

Once you are able to identify whether your need for external validation is being driven by a fear of rejection or to heal an insecurity, then you can start working on rebuilding your sense of self-worth .

And over time you come to find you rely less on a round of applause from those around you.

Determine What Truly Matters To You

Take the time to reflect deeply on the meaningful goals you have set for yourself.

Envision the life you wish to live at your absolute happiest. The type of career you have, financial freedom, the ability to travel the world when you want, the car you would drive, the body you walk in, the relationship you have, the friends , the dream house, the health.

Instead of making everyone else’s opinion a priority, remember you have your own life’s vision and no one knows what you want more than you.

Rather than be influenced or swayed by the expectations or desires of others, remember what might not matter to them might matter to you.

Build a Strong Sense of Self-Worth and Self-Respect

Your worth and value are not solely determined by other people, in fact you’re less likely to gain the respect of other if you cannot think for yourself and constantly seek outside approval in order to feel good about yourself.

Think about some of your own qualities, talents, and strengths. This might be you have a caring nature, or perhaps you’re known for your sense of humour.

In a world full of comparisons, it’s easy to forget who you really are. Find time to spend alone and think about what makes you, you.

Be proud of who you are, live authentically and unapologetically. By doing this, you will radiate a confidence and attract people who genuinely appreciate and admire you for being your true self, forming deep and meaningful connections based on mutual respect and understanding instead of dependency.

Prioritise Self-Care

Start prioritising self-care into your daily routine.

Most people are so focused on building a relationship with others they completely neglect the relationship they have with themselves.

When the relationship you have with yourself in unstable, you’re more likely to depend on validation of others because you don’t know how to create it for yourself.

Make time for you. Download the Self-Maintenance Checklist and start listing all the ways you can step into your feminine energy, claim your place on the pedestal and reconnect with yourself.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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