How To Use The ‘Lucky Girl Mindset’ to Bring You Everything You Want

What Is The Lucky Girl Mindset?

Never short of bringing lifestyle trends to the social media scene, TikTok really is the app that (sometimes overwhelmingly) keeps on giving.

Alongside other lifestyle trends such as ‘the soft life’ and ‘hot girl walks’ comes a new topic of discussion which is in fact a little less lifestyle, and a little more mindset comes a trending technique known as the ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’.

The idea is for you to convince yourself that luck is always on your side by using positive thinking, ‘acting as if’, and affirmations such as

‘I’m so lucky, I always receive everything I want’, ‘The universe always has my back’, and ‘Everything always works out for me’ as a method to manifest your desires.

As a natural optimist (and a Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck) this is a standard day in the life for me, and in all honesty from my own experience is does work, to an extent.

Still, nothing is black and white and there is more to this idea than what meets the eye, or the feed in this instance.

Let’s dive in….

The Link Between ‘Lucky Girl Mindset’ and The Law of Assumption

Like most ideas, none are ever really brand new, just rebranded to suit each generation, and those who are familiar with philosophy would probably recognise this latest trend as a 2.0 version of the Law of Assumption.

A term coined and its concept pioneered by philosopher and author Neville Goddard, the Law of Assumption states that what you assume to be true will become your reality.

Goddard believed that nothing exists outside of your consciousness and similar to the Law of Correspondence, your external world is a reflection of your internal world.

He states you must assume the feelings of wish fulfilment so intently until your assumption has become vivid enough it is now your reality.

The Law of Assumption means you must act, think, and feel as though you are already living your desire so deeply it feels out of character not to.

In other words, when you fully embody the person you want to become, along with the emotions and the feelings of having already achieved your desires, energetically you are putting yourself in a position where it becomes possible.

So, you see, the similarities between the ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ and the Law of Assumption are interchangeable because the concept between both is to realise in order to manifest what you truly want you must believe it is already yours.

What To Be Aware of When Using the ‘Lucky Girl Mindset’

While adopting the ‘Lucky Girl’ mentality may seem innocent, there are a few things I would suggest you are cautious of.

‘Acting as if’ you have already have your desires are important for manifesting what you want because how you feel internally is what you will experience externally.

However, stay open-minded and flexible in your approach, when you feel as though you are doing everything to embody a life lived off of luck, it can throw you off balance and take you far away from the real world leading to disappointment and anxiety when you don’t see the results you were hoping for.

This isn’t to say because there is a ‘real world’ you cannot create your own through thought, feeling, and action, of course you can. But there are instances where what you want doesn’t go according to the plan you had in mind.

Sometimes you are destined for something bigger and better, therefore what you hoped for doesn’t come the way you expected.

This doesn’t mean you’re unlucky, it means what is meant for you hasn’t arrived, yet.

Don’t beat yourself up about it, and certainly don’t suppress any feelings of doubt or negative thoughts out of fear that your luck won’t be granted.

Positive and negative thoughts are part of the human experience, let them come, let them go. Besides, a person has on average 60,000 thoughts a day, it would be hard work trying to control them all at once don’t you think?

And then there’s privilege. The idea that all you need to create a life solely based off of luck is simply to believe in it makes it somewhat easy to turn a blind eye to poverty, mental and physical disabilities, world hunger, and racial oppression.

This also isn’t to say that those who fall into said categories aren’t able to manifest their desires through thought and action because many have, including myself. There are countless rags to riches stories from successful people who beat the odds despite societal obstacles.

Although the ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ is indeed beneficial and has the potential to be life changing, we can’t ignore that some have to work harder for it than others.

How To Use the ‘Lucky Girl Mindset To Your Advantage

So, how do you apply this new mindset to your day-to-day while staying in balance and not completely setting yourself up for disappointment?

Just have fun with it! I’ve noticed the bigger the concept of manifesting has become, It’s either getting way too fluffy, or way too serious, both extremes seemingly cause confusion, frustration, and delay.

Relax, see the fun side of it, remember when you were a child and you used to play pretend, or dress up and get right into character?

Only this time, you are pretending to be the future you. See it as a fun little game you play every so often.

I always go into ‘Lucky Girl’ mode when I want a parking space in my favourite spot. As I approach the store car park, I say to myself repeatedly ‘I’m so lucky I always get a space in my favourite parking spot right outside the store, I’m ssoooo lucky, it works for me every time’.

Lo and behold, I always get the space I wanted, if it’s not the exact space, I’m only a car or two further away from where I wanted to be.

Try it out with something small at first, something that might feel easy to you, like a parking space or an item being on sale.

If you feel it works, go bigger by using the Lucky Girl Syndrome (Law of Assumption) about a job offer or being asked out on date by the person you’re interested in.

How To Adopt The ‘Lucky Girl’ Mentality.

Write down ONE thing you really want

I know, there’s more than one thing you desire in your life right now, but I promise you, focus on just one.

When you try to manifest too many things at once you confuse the universe in what exactly you are asking for, so for now, just pick one thing. Write your desire out in detail, what does it look like, describe the experience of having it.

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to imagine yourself having it.

Imagine how it would feel having manifested what you want.

Next, imagine the feeling of having it, your thoughts are only the stepping stone to creating your reality, how you feel about it is what will turn the key.

Use your imagination and all of your senses to imagine what it would be like to have your desire, to hold it in your hand, to see it play out in your day-to-day life.

Think about how conversations with family members, friends and work colleagues will go, what is being said?

Do they notice your face light up when you talk about it? Imagine the full experience of your desire coming into reality.

Assume that what you want has already happened

Lastly, the fun bit. Step into the shoes of the person you are once your desire has manifested, now.

Don’t wait until you can physically touch it before you feel the feelings of having it, feel it now.

  • How do you walk now you have your desire?

  • How do you talk?

  • What words do you use?

  • Which online stores do you browse?

  • Where do you dine out?

  • What area do you live in?

Take the route home from work that goes past your dream house or if it’s not close by, choose a day out of the weekend to have a coffee in the area, while you’re there, pretend you are a local resident and feel the feelings of living in your dream home, in your dream neighbourhood.


There’s a lot of fun to be had in creating your own life, it isn’t meant to be difficult and frustrating although it often feels this way. Creating your own life is supposed to be easy, fun and enjoyable, choose the decision to make it that way.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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