How To EMBODY The Best Version of Yourself

The trend of self-discovery is popular, but it isn’t easy. It takes a lot of strength, discipline, and will power to walk away from your old identity that wasn’t serving you and become the newer, better version of yourself. But to become the best version of yourself is more than just a thinking game, it’s starting with the end in mind and taking concrete steps to get there.

Here are a few ways to embody the best version of yourself.

Shed Your Old Identity

For the most part, your current way of thinking is something which has been developed over a number of years from self-talk and a behavioural pattern which you now believe in.

It’s time to shed that version of yourself .

At first it will feel uncomfortable, however with persistence the transformation will be worth it in the long run.

It will take a conscious effort but most things worth having do, so don’t expect overnight results, but do expect small steps to lead to big changes. When these changes start to happen, expect your ‘old self’ to resist.

This is because you are going into a direction that is unfamiliar, unnatural, and maybe even fearful. To shed your old identity, resist the urge to give in to your ‘old self’, and embrace change.

Be Clear About Who the Best Version of Yourself Is

Before you can start to embody the best version of yourself you must know who they are like the back of your hand.

Write down the details of your new identity.

  • How do you dress?

  • How do you wear your hair and make-up?

  • What do you wear to work?

  • What do you wear on your day off?

  • Are you a homebody, a social butterfly, or a balance between the two?

  • How much money does your higher-self have in their bank account?

  • What do you spend it on?

You can’t become a version of yourself who you don’t know much about.

Answer in as much depth as you can will give you a detailed overview of who you are about to become.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs That Don’t Match your Highest Self

Limiting beliefs have often been so deeply rooted into your subconscious mind, they are hard to overcome, but once they have been eliminated can open your eyes to a whole new world. They are set to work against you and may sound something like this:

  • I’m just not good enough

  • I’m too old or too young

  • I don’t have enough time

  • I don’t have enough money

  • I’ll never be successful

  • I’m not talented enough

This way of thinking limits your ability to believe that something better is possible for you, and therefore keeps you further away from the person you envision yourself becoming.

Just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean it is true.

Thoughts are not facts.

And it is possible to redesign your belief system to one which works in your favour.

Think about the way you speak to yourself, you may need to adjust your current thoughts so that they are in line with what the best version of yourself would think.

If the best version of yourself is a millionaire, there’s a very small chance they are walking around telling themselves how broke they are, they may even desire more money, but they know they certainly aren't operating from lack.

State new affirmations, positive ones, if you’re struggling to believe what you say, regulate your nervous system and go general.

When you’re too specific it can build up resistance especially if you truly believe you can't have it in the first place, then it just feels as though you are kidding yourself.

“I am a millionaire” or “I have millions in my bank account” can be discouraging if you check your account the next day and the millions hasn’t arrived, it also makes it easy to fall back into your old limiting beliefs.

Instead, keep your affirmations general by affirming ‘money comes to me easily’ or ‘I attract opportunities that bring me closer to my financial goals’ by going more general your affirmations feel more believable.

Adopt New Habits, Hobbies and Inner Circles

To truly embody the best version of yourself you will need to physically step into their shoes and become her.

I previously mentioned how you think, but you must also act by adopting their habits, hobbies, and lifestyles. Does the best version of yourself enjoy being active and keeping fit?

Start getting active, make room in your day for a workout, first thing in the morning might work best, it doesn’t have to take up the whole morning either, begin with a ten-minute home workout or a walk around the block until it feels natural to be active in the morning.

And just like that you are closer to being your highest self.

Who are the kind of people your highest self hangs out with? Are they gossip queens who thrive off of drama and drain your energy, or are they the kind of people who you can laugh with, feel inspired by, they support you through the good times and the bad.

If your inner circle right now doesn’t reflect the inner circle of your higher self, it’s time to start thinking about making some changes.

Embody the feelings of Your Highest Self

Did you know your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between your real life, and the one you’re imagining?

Your subconscious mind can only go by the frequency of the vibration you put out, in simpler terms - what you are feeling.

Think about what that means for you when you start showing up as the best version of yourself.

Embody (acting as though) the person you want to become, and the universe must send you more people, situations and opportunities that match. It is commonly known that thoughts become things, what is usually missing from that statement is, how you feel is what will bring it to fruition.

To capture the feelings of your higher self, make note of how you would feel once your desire has manifested.

How would you feel once you manifested the job, the relationship, the financial freedom, your health goals, or the new friendship group.

If you wait for the manifestation to happen before you get into the feeling of already having it, there will be a delay because you are operating from a place of lack.

How does the best version of yourself feel? Perhaps happy, excited, relaxed, and at peace most of the time.

Do things that match that energy, go out with friends who make you laugh or feel uplifted after a conversation with them, binge watch Netflix if it brings you joy, bake a cake, or follow a home cooked recipe from scratch.

One thing that works well for me is music, particularly songs that bring back good memories, music immediately puts me in a good mood, and is a great distraction from focusing on anything negative.

Whatever it is that puts you in the same mood as your highest self, do more of that.

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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