Transform Your Life Using The Law Of Polarity

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The law of attraction is something we have come to understand and have been working with to our advantage, or at least trying to. Despite this, there tends to be some confusion on why it doesn’t work as simply as it seems. This confusion comes from not understanding there are multiple aspects that must work hand-in-hand with the law of attraction for it to become effective, one of these aspects is the law of polarity

What is the law of polarity?

The law of polarity is knowing nothing is singular, everything is one made up of two parts (polarities), such as positive and negative. Once you begin to understand this, you realise one cannot work without the other, and in order to gain one you must accept both. The good thing is, no matter what the circumstances there is always a positive even in situations where you can’t see it, it is there.

Examples of the law of polarity

Let’s look at ‘sound’ for example, sound is one thing, but it has two extreme polarities, ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’. The same with temperature, one thing but two polar extremes, ‘hot’ and ‘cold’. Without knowing and accepting cold we wouldn’t know what it is to be hot, and without quiet sounds we wouldn’t know what it was to hear something which was loud.

Other examples of polarity include the following:

  • Up and down

  • Open and close

  • On and off

  • Left and right

  • Fast and slow

  • Inside and outside

  • Rich and poor

  • Happy and sad

  • Love and hate

  • Masculine and feminine

How the law of attraction and polarity work together

We often decide we won’t be happy until we finally get what we want. The new job, a loving relationship, the perfect house and the perfect body at the perfect weight, driving the perfect car. However, all this does is send a signal of resistance to the universe indicating you are not happy right now, and so the universe will see it that you aren’t ready for what you are asking for. The law of attraction cannot show up for you unless you understand the law of polarity. Be mindful of this law and recognise everything works together. When you intend to manifest something into your life you’re attracting the whole experience, this can mean the negative side too, however it also means if you often sit in a mindset of negativity, that is the side you will experience the most.

Let’s say you are single and you want to attract the perfect partner. However, you always complain to your friends about being single, how awful it is to feel so alone, and how hard it is to meet someone genuine, jumping from partner to partner seeking companionship without taking any time out to nurture yourself.

The law of attraction will not begin the process of sending you the perfect partner because as far as it seems, you are continually on the negative side of what you want, and therefore can’t experience the positive. In this situation using the law of polarity would be to accept your circumstances and find the good things about being single, such as the ability to be selfish with your time. When you’re single you can do what you like without having to answer to anybody, you can travel on a whim, you can spend more time with your friends, you can figure out what it is you actually want from life without having to consider others, and you’ll have time to work on other areas of your life you wish to improve. After a while the law of attraction will start to see you living in a care-free and positive state of mind, and because it is law, will then send you more things to feel positive about.

How to transform your life using the law of polarity

Now that you understand without the negative there is no positive, start to think where in your life you can change your attitudes and apply this law to your life.

If your desire is to become wealthy even though this point in time you can barely rub two pennies together, look for the positive. What is this teaching you? Maybe you are being asked to learn about money and educate yourself on how to save, budget, or invest. Perhaps you are to endure hardship now so you can fully express gratitude for wealth when it manifests because you remember what it was like when you didn’t have it.

It sounds like a huge contradiction but to manifest what you truly want and transform your life; you first have to be okay if what you want doesn’t happen. You have to be content with not reaching the wealth you desire, you have to be content with not ever meeting your soulmate, or not becoming the business owner of a million-pound company. Accept your current situation for what it is, even if it’s not what you want it to be right now. The same way you accept hot and cold, up and down, left and right, happy and sad, accept the situations of both positive and negative.

Final thoughts

Of course, this isn’t always as easy as it sounds, if it was, we’d all be attracting the life we want at the drop of a hat, and sometimes you can’t help but feel as though you have been dealt the wrong cards while everyone around you gets what you have only ever dreamed of. Still, it’s important to remember everyone is on their own journey with their own life lessons, and the longer you sit in feelings of envy, frustration, shame, and fear, the longer the delay in transforming your life.

Instead, use gratitude to change your perspective, whether it’s being grateful you have friends to enjoy life with, or access to clean water, fresh fruit and a gym, the resources to find new creative ways of making money, or even just being grateful you have been given another day of life, meaning you have another chance to attract change. The next time a negative situation arises, look for something to be grateful for no matter how big or small, eventually it will become so natural you won’t need to look for the positive, it will become something you do, automatically.

Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.

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