The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Perfect Partner This Year
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about manifestation, it’s that love is no different from anything else you desire, it’s all about alignment. But here’s the real secret:
You don’t “get” love. You become the version of yourself that naturally attracts the love you desire.
I know this isn’t what you want to hear and you’re probably thinking
“But I know someone who suffers from low self-worth who is in a great relationship”
What I’d say to that is, don’t compare your life to someone’s highlight reel, you don’t know what lessons have been laid out for them.
Besides, I know this firsthand.
I was so confused when I first read The Secret, I believed just thinking and visualising my perfect relationship was enough, I used to approach it as if it were something outside of me, something I needed to chase or earn.
Like many other self-help writers I could easily suggest you create a vision board, think positively and keep a rose quartz under your pillow but I know those methods will get you nowhere.
It was only once I stopped looking for it and started embodying the feelings of love, and certainty within myself, things shifted.
The more I aligned with the version of me that was already in my dream relationship, the more love showed up in my life in ways I never expected.
In this blog I’m sharing the 6 steps that are often overlooked but are crucial when it comes to improving your dating life, building better connections and ultimately manifesting the perfect partner.