7 Key Pieces of Advice for the Girlies In Their 20's for Happiness and Success

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Thinking back to my twenties it was a really fun and eventful time in my life. I travelled, I partied (hard), I fell in love twice, and fell apart. I had a large group of great friends, I was doing jobs I loved, I launched my styling career and met the most amazing people along the way. And although I don’t have any regrets, I do believe if I had stumbled across more articles similar to the one below I would have felt more prepared for the roller-coaster my twenties were and would have been ahead of the game entering my thirties.

If you’re reading this but are no longer in your twenties, you’re never too late for a turn around and I can assure you it’s not too late to change your life. And to my twenty-something year old readers, I hope this article helps you the way it would gave helped me.

Here are 7 Key Pieces of Advice for the Girlies in Their 20’s for Happiness and Success

1.Build a successful morning routine

Believe it or not, we all have a morning routine. Whether you fall out of the bed, hit your head, drag yourself to the shower , get dressed, leave for work come back because you forgot something, we all have a routine that is more or less the same every day. The only difference is some of us have a routine which we have intentionally created, and others have a routine created for them .

The secret to success can be found in your daily routine, and the sooner you are able to get a morning routine down, the better chance you have of building self-discipline with a vital characteristic for success.

Take it from someone who hated the idea of routines, and didn’t believe I even had one. I found the idea of doing the same thing over and over again boring without realising I was already repeating my morning habits automatically.

Yet having built myself a morning routine over the past year has greatly improved my mental health, my fitness, and my work performance, oh, and it doesn’t involve six to seven steps either because there’s just no way, lol.

Your routine doesn’t need to consist of waking up at 5am, journaling and doing a meditation (although that helps massively) it just needs to work for you and what you see the benefits from doing.

2. Prioritise your mental health

Mental health comes before and above everything and everyone else, without it being in balance there is the potential for a negative domino effect in other areas of your life.

Practice compassion and kindness towards yourself. As challenging as it might but try not to compare your life to that of your friends, no matter what they post on social media.

You are so young and have thousands of chances to create the life you are dreaming of, focusing on what others are doing and achieving then comparing it to what you are achieving is nothing but a distraction and causes frustration. Comparison is the thief of joy, and at every stage of your life your number one priority should be your happiness. Instead of comparing your journey to others, focus on doing things that make you happy and excited about life. You are the one person you are guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with so it would be in your best interest to spend most of your time practicing self-love and care to build a great relationship with the person who matters most, you.

3. Workout/Be active/Move your body

Stay active. In whatever way this means to you, moving your body is more than losing weight and staying in shape. Exercise has multiple advantages and is great for helping you achieve glowing skin, building a disciplined routine, and improving brain function and memory. Decide on your movement of choice whether it’s the gym, running in outside, walking to get 10,000 steps every day, dance, or yoga, simply get moving.

4. Add self-maintenance into your lifestyle

As a woman it’s important to look after yourself from the inside out, nail appointments, trips to the hairdressers and lash appointments are vital for looking and feeling your best, but to fully maintain your well-being as a woman you must tend to all the other aspects of feminine well-being.

This includes taking vitamin supplements, booking your dentist appointments, seeing a dental hygienist, attending smear tests, checking your boobs in the shower, getting your blood test, wearing clean underwear and replacing it when it loses its shape or quality.

Self-care looks different for everyone so create a maintenance checklist that works for you. The most important thing is that you are doing what you can to optimise your well-being because this is what will help you to look and feel amazing.

5. Don’t worry about losing friends

Two best friends on holiday wearing sunglasses

In this life friends will come, and friends will go, and although it doesn’t feel good, you must know this is very normal. Who you are at age twenty-one is not who you are at age twenty-eight, and the likelihood is that everyone else around you are changing too.

Priorities change, families start, careers take off, conflicts rise, and tolerance levels are low. If you haven’t noticed by now that as you get older you start to care less, then you will soon find out.

If you feel as though you are drifting apart from a friend or a group of friends and there is no resolve, let them go. You might even reunite years later down the line when the timing is right, and perhaps you won’t, and that’s okay too. You have your whole life ahead of you and if you put yourself out there, you’ll be well on your way to making new friends that are aligned with who you are at this stage of your life.

6. Date with standards

Young couple happy and on a ski trip

Depending on where exactly you are in your twenties, it might feel as though having a boyfriend is the most important thing in the world right now. Don’t stress, I’ve got good news and bad. The bad news is, the dating game doesn’t change that much, and it certainly doesn’t get easier.

However, the good news is, I can guarantee that here in your thirties there are still men available to date, so there’s no need to rush yourself into finding anyone just to say you have someone.

No matter what decade you are in, you should always date with standards. Yet, the advantage you get by creating standards for yourself while dating in your twenties makes it more likely you will carry those values throughout your life, and therefore saving yourself from low-quality experiences and a higher chance of meeting someone who is the right match.

7. Build a side hustle

In a time where you can literally make money in your sleep, as a twenty-something year old, please make use of the opportunities at your fingertips. Invest in your future by researching how to make passive income.

Passive income only requires a small amount of your time but can make you extra cash over and over again without you constantly having to lift a finger.

This money can be put towards travelling, buying your first home, a car, mastering a skill etc.

Start now while you still have time to make lots of mistakes and learn from them. Take full advantage of the opportunities available to you. Begin building a life your thirties, forties and fifties will thank you for taking the time to do, when you look back you will realise it was all worth it.

Practice self-maintenance with your very own checklist

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Patrice Monique

Patrice Monique is a London-based writer specialising in mindset, self-development and lifestyle.

With a deep appreciation and passion for philosophy and neuroscience, Patrice Monique is dedicated to helping you rewire your mindset to make your dream life a reality.


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