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Subconscious Mind Patrice Monique Subconscious Mind Patrice Monique

How to Remove your Money Blocks & Hack your way to Wealth

In the world of personal growth and self-improvement, we often discuss how you can improve your finances and attain financial freedom.

However, what is not often money blockages can prevent us from experiencing financial abundance and reaching our full wealth potential.

By rewiring your subconscious mind, acting as if, telling a new story about money, and visualising your wealthiest self, you can transform your relationship with money and invite prosperity into your life.

In this article, I will share some effective tips I use for myself to remove money blockages and create a positive money mindset that can help you too.

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Mindset Patrice Monique Mindset Patrice Monique

Why ‘Good Vibes Only’ is Causing More Harm Than Good

There's no doubt that positive thinking is helpful when we think about creating our desired realities.

It allows us to see the silver lining in tough situations, find the light in a dark tunnel, and maintain a growth mindset.

Good vibes are surely what help me when I feel the feels of fear, doubt and self-sabotage creeping in.

After learning the Law of Polarity I realised how essential it is to embrace both sides of our emotions.

This may not be my most popular one, but in this article, I’m going to share exactly why the “Good Vibes Only” culture is a problematic one and why embracing all emotions is the real key to wellness.

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