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Building SELF- ESTEEM to Feel More Confident
Shed old self-esteem issues and build a new found confidence.
Transform Your Reality Using INTENTION
Do you ever feel like you're living your life on autopilot, just going through the motions without really experiencing life?
If so, you're not alone.
95% of your reality is created using your subconscious mind. This means thinking and doing from a pattern of habits and beliefs without really knowing what you’re doing or why you’re doing it.
We get caught up in the daily grind, and then before we know it, weeks, months and even years have passed, and we wonder where the time went.
Living with intention helps you craft your life with purpose and mindfulness rather than letting it be shaped by external influences or unconscious habits.
It’s about knowing your values, setting meaningful goals, and making deliberate choices that align with who you truly want to become.
As someone who has spent time uncovering what it means to live an intentional life, I’ve found this journey to be both powerful and transformative.
In this article, I’m going to share how you can transform your reality simply by using intention.
How To Prioritise Yourself Without Feeling Guilty
Finding the balance between selfish and selfless.
7 Key Pieces of Advice for the Girlies In Their 20's for Happiness and Success
Calling all my girlies in their most exciting decade. The 20’s.
This is a letter from me to you.
5 Reasons Why I Double Down on My GLOW-UP Before the New Year
I’ve learned that waiting for January 1st to start a transformation is a trap.
Between the first few months of the year, I am in complete hibernation mode, and the last thing I want to do I teach myself new myself new tricks.
Instead of expecting a New Year’s resolution to magically transform my life, I use the last quarter of the year as the perfect time to double down on my glow-up and ensure that I enter the new year while I have momentum.
In this blog, I’m going to share the 5 reasons why I double down on my glow-up journey before the new year starts.
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for a Successful Year
When I read the above quote in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, I knew I needed to pull my sh*t together, fast!
No matter how much I wanted to ignore the fact that I was at the age where the thoughts that fired together were wired together on a more permanent basis, it meant that if I really wanted to experience a change in my life, I needed to act right now.
No more excuses.
No more “I’ll do it on Friday”
The time was now or never.
Once I realised not only was the human mind a powerful tool, the most profound part of my mind was beneath the surface and if I knew how to use it to my advantage, I could increase my chances of success in every area of my life.
In this blog I’m going to share the things I do to reprogram my subconscious mind for a successful year.
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